senza convinzione (Luca to himself)

Started by maxit, December 21, 2020, 02:11:32 PM


Senza convinzione
Here's the final chapter of Luca's little saga, following "Io l'anno prossimo" e "Eli si prepara".
Luca, a young man at this point of the story, is having a little speech to himself ...
I add a little translation for who may not be into the italian politics and miss the beauty of the last verse allitteration ...

Senza convinzione

Perché ancora il momento non è di esser dediti all'alcol
Perché da dire ancora ce n'è agli amici chissà
Perché ancora il diritto non c'è di essere così assente
Non hai visto ancora niente e poi c'è il conto da pagar

Ma perché invece non iscriversi al club Adorazione Eucaristica Perpetua
Oppur difender Foche Artiche e scendere giù in strada a far la tua propria Questua
Potresti già iniziare la Collezione Sottobicchieri di Birra Analcolica
O cercar di sopravvivere al Pronto Soccorso quando ti viene una colica

Perché ancora il tempo non è, di ciondolare giù al porto
Perché dormire 12 ore non è che ti fa bene lo sai
Perché il fatto che non pensi mai a niente non vuol dir che sia giusto
E non avere mai nulla da dire elegante non è

Potresti cercare di provare emozioni, scriver canzoni, a dire qualcosa che sia la tua
Che sia la tua cosa, che ti punga le dita come una rosa
Da cosa nasce cosa, il quaderno la penna, la cena il lavoro tutto avrebbe più senso,
Poter dire lo sento e stare contento così

Potresti fare uno sfoggio di Cultura Neilartistica e conquistar la Trucida
Le prenderesti poi di santa ragione da quel suo Bruto con Pelle Lucida
Potresti appassionarti ad approfondire la Insanabile Crisi Interna del PD
seguir D'Alema o il Dalai Lama con cognizione di causa ora sì

Whitout conviction (Luca to himself)

Because the time is not yet to be addicted to alcohol
Because there is still more to say to your friends out there: who knows
Because there is still no right for you to be so absent
You haven't seen anything yet and furthermore here's a bill to pay

But why not to join the club instead, of Perpetual Eucharistic Adoration
Or defend Arctic Seals and go down the street to do your own begging
You may already start the Non-Alcoholic Beer Coaster Collection
Or try to survive the Emergency Room when you get a colic

Because is still not the time to hang down to the port
Because sleeping 12 hours isn't good for you
Because the fact that you never think about anything doesn't mean it's right
And never having anything to say, elegant is not

You could try to feel emotions, write songs, say something that is your own
Let it be your thing, pricking your fingers like a rose
From one comes two, the pen, the dinner, the work, everything would make more sense
Being able to say I feel it and be happy with this

You could make a display of Neil-artistic Culture and conquer that Lo-Fi Girl
Then you would catch the hell from that Brute of her with his Tense Skin
You may be passionate about delving into the Incurable Internal Crisis of the Democratic Party
follow D'Alema or Dalai Lama with full knowledge of the facts, now and finally !


This is so good. It sounds like a happy singalong - the kind of watched many times on those Saturday night singalong shows on Italian TV (Rai1). But the lyrics are avant-garde, political poetry! You have such a musical ear and talent. Always a joy to hear.

Farrell Jackson

Wonderful piano and vocal Maxit! Thanks for posting the translated words to English.....they read like a poem. Well done!

Tascam DP-32
Fostex VF-160

Farrell Jackson

Rayon Vert

Test, test, one, two, this mic on?


I was waiting for the next section of Luca great story piece great playing and thank you for posting the translation
Life is not about the number of Breathes you take, it is the amount of times your breathe is taken away


oh my goodness....this one had me laughing... not because the music is funny but the idea,,,,, the theme.... oh gosh.... it's like "hey find something to do, whether or not it's important!  Make it important to you!" 
The options you give the young man are hillarious.... good stuff!
Boss BR-1600
Zoom R24
         you can call me anything you like.  Just don't call me late for dinner


Musically It has the comfort of feeling like a theme song to a favorite TV show but lt bites the shit out of you lyrically. Love this.
Rock on!

Boss BR-80
Boss BR-800
Because the Hook brings you back
I ain't tellin' you no lie
The hook brings you back
On that you can rely


Very nice Max. This has a really nice mellow flow. Very easy going and chilled out which goes so well with those great lyrics.

iPad GarageBand