Io l'anno prossimo (me next year)

Started by maxit, November 30, 2020, 05:49:45 AM


Io l'anno prossimo (me next year)
Just to refresh your italian ... (ok, I will put translation here below;-)

Io l'anno prossimo

I ragazzi vanno a scuola
 fumando l'ultima sigaretta
Quella bruna un po' carina
si parla con l'amica stretta stretta
Ely lo zaino, incudine in spalla
ride e salta come una farfalla
Luca la segue non troppo sotto
facendo le facce da tipo tosto

Aho ...  più tardi si gioca
qualcuno ti guarda
'a maglia dàà roma i superpoteri dà

Ci mancava il latino, de gustibus
 non sputando est
A publio sicpione
hai allungato le orecchie di un metro buono
Italiano interrogazione
peccato la prof mi stava simpatica
Moratoria internazionale
per l'abolizione di matematica

Ahò ... più tardi si gioca
C'è lei che ti guarda
a majia de totti i superpoteri dà

io l'anno prossimo mi faccio la moto
 io l'anno prossimo mi metto con ely
tu già ti sei fatto una canna di troppo
ma scendi giù che t'offro un gran biscotto
Che simpatico siparietto
ci aiuti prof. che Ilia sta strozzando Bea
meno male che aveva scritto
bea sei la mejo migliore amica mia

Aho ... , più tardi si gioca
Lei ti saluta
a maja dàà roma speriamo de segnà

Con le stufe contro il freddo
al bar possiamo andare un po' più spesso
Parliamo pure ma quello no
seee io per l'anno prossimo che cavolo ne so
...  non passa più
hai legato il motorino o non lo ritrovi tu
Pensi a cosa diventerai
tutto ma io con la cravatta giuro che mai

ma quando se gioca
Tu guarda che scola, a maja de totti nun me se po' pijà

Luca tornando dentro il metrò
pensa che freddo e guarda il lato b
Ride, scemo, spinge gli amici
pensa all'estate, una figata, cose così
Da da da da da da
Da da da da da da

Me next year

Look at the boys, they to school
smoking just one last cigarette
See that one, the pretty brunette
talks so close to her close-close friend
Ely's backpack, anvil on her side
She laughs and jumps like a butterfly
Luca follows her, not too far
making faces like he's a superstar

Aho ... we're gonna play later
Someone's looking at you
Rome's soccer T-shirt, gives the superpowers

We just lacked the Latin, 'de gustibus
non de-spitting est'
Publius Scipione's ears
you have stretched them to a span to say the least
Italian's oral examination
too bad, the teacher was nice to me so far
International moratorium
for the abolition of maths everywhere

Aho ... we're gonna play later
She is looking at you
Totti's soccer T-shirt, gives the superpowers

Look, next year, gonna buy me a bike yes
Yes next year, Ely is gonna like me
you've already had a joint too many
but come down and I will offer at the eat-o-matic
What a funny, sight to see
help us prof. please, Ilia is choking Bea right now
thank goodness, so she had written
bea you're the super-best-o-beast friend of mine

Aho ... we're gonna play later
She is greeting you now
Rome's soccer T-shirt, I hope to score some goals

With the heaters against the cold
we can go to the bar, a little more
Let's talk, but not about that, naaa
Hey, what the hell I know, about next year
... we'll never make it
you have tied up the scooter or you will not find it
You think about what you will become
all but with the tie, I swear me never, no! but

Ahò ... when are playing?
What a f***ing school, hey
Totti's soccer T-shirt, just catch me if you can

Luca, coming home, in the subway
thinks that it's cold, and looks at side b
He laughs, careless pushes his friends, thinks about summer , that's cool ! finish, that's the end
da da da da da da
da da da da da da


Nice to hear you again and as my Itailian is bad I thank you for the translation nice song
Life is not about the number of Breathes you take, it is the amount of times your breathe is taken away


I thought it was a cover - it's lovely!
Boss BR-80

comme ci, comme ça


I like it. It reminds me of a school days song I think I've heard in Japanese, in an Anime Movie.

The piano music It has that kind of reminiscence-of-school-days musical vibe, so that goes with the lyrics very well.

Boss BR-600
Bitwig Studio

British Columbia Canada


Loving the melody  it's a great way to learn a little Italian "Italiano Interrogazione peccato la prof "????
If Life is a dream then use your imagination


It had me from the first chord. Just gorgeous. I always know I'm in for a treat when you post something. Love that chorus when it takes off. Amazing stuff.


Nice song with nostalgia, really great lyrics! Piano and your voice fit perfectly together! Im loving the atmosphere of this! Excellent job, Max!
Korg Sound on Sound
Redler & Co   
Boss BR-80
Boss Micro BR


love the theme of the lyrics.... and very nice music also including the singing!
Boss BR-1600
Zoom R24
         you can call me anything you like.  Just don't call me late for dinner


Beautiful, Max.  Classy piano playing and the vocal is excellent.

Really love this.


Liking this a lot and thank you for the translation. A beautiful song and performance. Willie
Boss BR-800