Waking Sky - Mike Huntingford

Started by Mike Huntingford, November 27, 2020, 02:44:18 AM

kenny mac

Brilliant song Mike.
Again as I always say in your instrumental compositions I can hear a song within a song,theres always a lyric in there fighting to get out and take it to another level.
As usual top class musician ship and performance and song writing
Well done.

Farrell Jackson

Mike, a beautiful song that's played, recorded and produced beautifully. I agree with Kenny, this song is calling for a vocal melody and lyrics but it also stands on it's own as an instrumental. Done to perfection and I love that organ sound!

Tascam DP-32
Fostex VF-160

Farrell Jackson

Rayon Vert

Test, test, one, two, three.....is this mic on?

Fabulous production and performance and i've always loved the Hammond through a Leslie. Great sound from the Korg. Beautiful composition.   Willie
Boss BR-800


Very well balanced and produced. Top class. It's true there does seem to be another melody interacting with this in my head as I listen. Certainly a decent singer would be interesting to hear having a go at doing something with this, but as I am a sucker for instrumentals this already works great for me.

iPad GarageBand