Rambling Keys 1 (reworked)

Started by funkyaxe, November 10, 2020, 03:35:30 PM


Rambling Keys 1 (rework)
I've managed to clean up and brighten this little tune. It was played in one take and is mostly improvised around a main theme. I'll remove the original post once I can work out how to do it.


I like the version from 2014 better for the reason i stated in that comment section... love your playing however...you are good.
Boss BR-1600
Zoom R24
         you can call me anything you like.  Just don't call me late for dinner


This new mix is clipping a bit on my speakers, sounds like digital clipping, or a mic getting a bit overloaded.   When it's not clipping it sounds good.  Did you run this a lot hotter (gain up over +0 dB or something) when mixing?

Or did you re-record this into something like a BossBR recorder with its' builtin microphone, and maybe the gain was pretty high while recording? 

Your playing sounds fantastic. If you felt like it, and this was a live recording, I would try it again but with your gain down a bit and keep an eye on the red light on your audio interface or portable recorder to see if the thing is clipping or overloading.

Boss BR-600
Bitwig Studio

British Columbia Canada


I put the original version into cakewalk and fiddled with the eq. Also, I added some reverb. I think I must have had levels too high as I agree after listening again that there is clipping. I think it sounds much better and less muddy than the original but I think I'll delete it  - can someone please advise me how to delete a track.


Instead of deleting this new one, why not post a second version in this same rework thread?

If you click MODIFY on the post do you get the option to just remove an attachment?  Is this the same audio as the first one just with some mixification?
Boss BR-600
Bitwig Studio

British Columbia Canada


Quote from: funkyaxe on November 12, 2020, 06:23:32 PMI put the original version into cakewalk and fiddled with the eq. Also, I added some reverb. I think I must have had levels too high as I agree after listening again that there is clipping. I think it sounds much better and less muddy than the original but I think I'll delete it  - can someone please advise me how to delete a track.
*****I don't think you can but go to modify and check the box to not include that one and then attach another....something you like better... I don't know maybe checking the box gets rid of it...I never tried...only replacing files
Boss BR-1600
Zoom R24
         you can call me anything you like.  Just don't call me late for dinner


I think your piece is lovely, would you have another go at recording it? 

If you have a raw audio recording that's not clipped or you want to re-record this, I'll have a go at mixing and adding reverb and compression for you. The main thing is not to have harsh microphone overload at the capture stage, nor to be so quiet that the noise floor gets in the way. Almost anything else can be fixed in post-production.   I'll do my best to mix for you if you can get a clean recording without mic overload or digital clipping, that gets somewhere above -6 dB but without getting up to 0 dB.

If I had to guess, you had your microphone WAY too close to a real live acoustic piano. Close-mic-ing a piano is hard.

Boss BR-600
Bitwig Studio

British Columbia Canada


Really enjoyed this your playing is almost verbal
If Life is a dream then use your imagination

Farrell Jackson

This is some very good piano playing and song creation. I hear the clipping but it doesn't bother bother my old ears that much. If you want to delete and replace the song you can but you can't delete the thread. At least I don't know how to do that. To replace the song click on the modify button in the upper right of the screen. Then unclick your attached song link and attach another version. Then and save it again. This will remove the current version and post the new version in it's place but all the original comments will remain. You could also leave the old version and just post the new version as a comparison.

Tascam DP-32
Fostex VF-160

Farrell Jackson

Rayon Vert

Test, test, one, two, three.....is this mic on?