Somewhere in the night

Started by The Gobi Desert Canoe Club, November 08, 2020, 06:57:39 AM

Somewhere in the night
Hi all, someone suggested I use cousins as the subject for a song and I wrote this about cousins that fall in love. A taboo in modern society I believe. Anyway, I don't know if he liked it as I haven't heard from him as yet. I hope you enjoy.       Willie

Fender Tim Armstrong Electro Acoustic, Various GarageBand Pads.

Somewhere in the night
She crept into my room
She said that this was wrong
And I don't know what to do

We're related can't you see
That you can't make love to me
I know all the risks
And I can't go on like this

People they stop and stare
I can't pretend that they're not there
It breaks my heart in two
"Cos I love you


We have to stay just friends
That's how the story ends
We can't fall in love
I know it hurts so much

Cousins we must be
For all the world to see
It shouldn't be like this
And only share a kiss

I laid there in my bed
While she left and closed the door
And I knew that she was right
Somewhere in the night
Somewhere in the night


Boss BR-800


Willie, well since you went there.... why should it be taboo in modern society?  hmmm... certain states here you can marry a cousin but it has to be a certain not first cousin (and there are tons of jokes about this, as in people from WV).... I am pretty sure the basis of the laws are because if you had children they have a high degree of likelihood of deformity... but lots of people choose not to have children or if there is an unwanted pregnancy there is a simple medical procedure that is done to abort....that is modern society!  I probably should just stop now but I really do like this subject as there was a time in my life that I loved my sister (don't worry, I never touched her in any way) and it was made abundantly clear that you just could not do that ( and painfully I had to accept that) a days there are commercials abounding about love knows no barriers....some of you may hate me for saying this but who gets to decide what is right and wrong?  Really?  I read a story about a brother and sister in england that got drunk one night and had sex and the town folks found out about it and about stoned them to death ( I am sure there is much more to the story).... I was like that seems pretty judgemental to me...but what do I know? 
I was thinking I should just erase all this but I guess the worse that can happen is I get booted off the site?  That would be a big loss though...
As far as the song I think it's great...and it is something we should all examine to see just what we base our ideas of right and wrong on....
Boss BR-1600
Zoom R24
         you can call me anything you like.  Just don't call me late for dinner


This is a great song about doomed love. All the usual qualities are there but in particular I really liked the clean lead and the effect you used on it. Really well composed and produced, great vocals and a superb all round sound.

Boss BR-800
Boss Micro BR


Great to hear something from you again Willie. Great to hear something contraversial and thought provoking. But a lovely tune, super stuff.

iPad GarageBand


Willie, I had to come back for another listen...and I have this song on my the car... it is a really nice song, as I like all your stuff. some more of course.... you have a really nice sound and I don't think you do a lot of covers but I think you could do a really lovely cover of a Boston song...your rhythm guitar sounds reminds me of their mellower passages.... if you ever get bored and listen to their stuff, and I know no one can sing like Brad Delp but so what? 
They have a song Amanda I think you would nail...
Boss BR-1600
Zoom R24
         you can call me anything you like.  Just don't call me late for dinner


It a touchy subject, so kudos. Great writing/playing/production as always from you Willie.
Boss BR-1600


Wonderful song brother, really nice.
Rock on!

Boss BR-80
Boss BR-800
Because the Hook brings you back
I ain't tellin' you no lie
The hook brings you back
On that you can rely

Farrell Jackson

A cool ballad Willie and you sing and play this so well. The lyric touches on a subject that is a bit controversial, depending on the degrees of distance (1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th etc...) on whether or not it's acceptable. In your story the subjects did walk away but who am I to judge as I recently wrote the song She was my 2nd Cousin  :) You wrote a good song Willie!

Tascam DP-32
Fostex VF-160

Farrell Jackson

Rayon Vert

Test, test, one, two, this mic on?