Tommorow is another day

Started by thetworegs, October 12, 2020, 04:27:38 AM


Tomorrow is another day
Poor old Reg of to rehab again he's lost count the number of times hes been there ....
Tomorrow is another day

It was Wednesday in the car on the way to rehab
The family they were crying in the street goodbye
As the car pulled over a man in white
said hey is it true that your still a little high ?"
As the dark day started to drift to nothing
the dark started to fill the sky
The man in white said how do you do
Would you like this little pill to help fill your dreams
I said thank you, I hear a dream, is a very special thing 
I closed my eyes and started to dream
As my mind started to close in
Then I heard a  holy choir, began aloud  to sing
The angel with the dirty smiling  face
Said "Hey you've been doing wrong"
I said "i'm sorry, should I get on knees to pray"
She said "Don't worry cause tomorrow is another day "
tomorrow is another day

Everyday drifted slow
Every nightmare was real
I clawed the door to be let go
But nobody heard my squeal
I let go of my inner disgust
I sat and I howled
I stood finally on my own two feet
I was standing  proud
Suddenly the clouds opened and the sky, it smiled
The sky   smiled
The sky smiled 
The sky smiled 
If Life is a dream then use your imagination


Wow, shades of Meatloaf!

I do appreciate a good story song, and this one delivers. It's like a miniature play in 3 minutes (or so).

You grabbed me with the first line: "It was Wednesday in the car on the way to rehab..." Vivid! Right off the bat I wanted to know what was going to happen. The sparse instrumentation seemed really appropriate for this song. Well done.

Farrell Jackson

An excellent solo performance Reg! A very emotional delivery on the vocal. Just the piano and vocal is all this song needs...a real stand out Reg!

Tascam DP-32
Fostex VF-160

Farrell Jackson

Rayon Vert

Test, test, one, two, this mic on?


Brilliant and for many this is such a true story.... I have had my battles as well.... really good stuff Trev! 
Boss BR-1600
Zoom R24
         you can call me anything you like.  Just don't call me late for dinner


Sobering and emotional song. Well written and intimately performed.
There are only three kinds of drummers. Those who can count, and those who can't.

Ray Brookes

Poignant story-telling, Trevor and well presented.
Ray Brookes


Yeah that's what occured to me too... shades of Meat Loaf in the vocal and even the composition has that big dramatic Jim Steinman type feel. Super songwriting, very impressive in every sense... love the lyrics too. Best wishes and thoughts going out to poor old Reg.

iPad GarageBand