Behind the Mask

Started by Mike_S, October 11, 2020, 01:18:10 PM


Behind the Mask
InstrumentalFest (banner image missing)

More instrumental shenanigans...

This took ages... the main problem being playing solid lead for about 4 mins is not easy for me. But I was determined to make it a little project to improve my playing so I kept at it - wanted to do it in one take as well, again more as a challenge for myself... so took a while! I did in the end cut and paste one short section from a previous take in where I felt I was a bit hesitant in my playing but apart from that was happy enough.


1 lead guitar (Mex Strat) put through a few effects in Garageband
1 rhythm - might be too loud!?
1 Bass (programmed in Garageband
1 Drum track - as above
1 Bongo track (or similar in Garageband)
1 Synth track - Garageband...

AND... a Male Choir Ensemble... again courtsey of Garageband!

Mix I tried... hope it's ok

iPad GarageBand


on my second listen...and I am up to 220 songs from SC for my off line listening.... which i love btw.... and I am always happy when a Mike S song pops up....because it is always quality and tends to rattle my teeth a bit which is mostly what I like....and the once in a while very laid back in between.... As your recording i understand... I prefer to try and get my lead all the way through... sometimes I like the duel leads too.... or even but I am very much guitar oriented so I tend to really like music like that... but I would say I really like your lyrics and singing as well....
Boss BR-1600
Zoom R24
         you can call me anything you like.  Just don't call me late for dinner

Ray Brookes

The mix sounds fine to my ears, Mike. That long delay/reverb on the lead guitar works well and you've played it nicely. The rhythm guitar doesn't sound too loud to me personally but as with all mixing & music everything is subjective. Sometimes I deliberate for hours and sometimes days over a mix, especially if I have a lot of tracks and rarely am I satisfied. I guess mixing is a bit of an art form and a bit of witchcraft. Anyhow, this is a fine instrumental and you've done a good job, Mike; well done.
Ray Brookes


Some stellar guitar work Mike. I always do any lead work in one take ( but I tend to have a warts n all attitude sometimes as I think you know ) so I understand the challenge. This sounds very natural and flowing to me so it's very impressive. The backing mix balance also sounds good to these ears. Good work Mike.


I am blown away by how good this sounds , the strat sounds fabulous , i had a mexican one a couple of years ago , and i am sorry i swapped it , yours sounds amazing dont give it away to anybody !! loved the vibe and the balance of the whole composition ,  rhythm was just perfect on my system , your lead  playing was very expressive and well controlled with an incredible sound , great stuff Mike its a cracker

Boss BR-800
Happiness is a warm ES 335, Boss BR800, Tascam dp 24 , Boss Micro , Fender Strat 70s original, Line 6 classical modeling guitar, yamaha ps 125 keyboard. Hohner Bass guitar.

Tascam DP-24
Boss Micro BR
Boss BR-8

kenny mac

Thats some great guitar work my friend.
The strat sounds awesome.
The mix sounds good to me,everything is sitting at the right level it should be.


Sounds great to my ear Mike perfect with tea & toast this morning
If Life is a dream then use your imagination

Farrell Jackson

Excellent use of the effects and some fine picking on the lead guitar Mike! The mix sounds good to me and the rhythm sits in there nicely. Well done!

Tascam DP-32
Fostex VF-160

Farrell Jackson

Rayon Vert

Test, test, one, two, this mic on?


The long delays fit the music to a T and yes 4 min is a long time to crank on a lead  but you hit it in style
Life is not about the number of Breathes you take, it is the amount of times your breathe is taken away


This is really cool instrumental, Mike.   Love the delay, and I'm impressed at the "one take".  I seldom manage to achieve much in a single take - unless I don't hit record of course.  I can play it brilliantly all the way through right up to the point that I hit the red button!

Great stuff this.
