I Will Not Live Like This

Started by StephenM, October 05, 2020, 11:18:41 PM

Flash Harry

Truly a sign of the times.

Nice tyrack Stephen, I love the layers and the vocal is perfect for this in my opinion.
We are here on Earth to fart around. Don't let anybody tell you any different
- Kurt Vonnegut.

Farrell Jackson

A cool song Stephen! It has a Tom Petty vibe to my ears...not a copy but just the feel of the rhythm guitar leads me there. There's a lot of controversy about your lyric subject. It's a darn if you do and darn if you don't sort of thing....who knows? Well done on the song!

Tascam DP-32
Fostex VF-160

Farrell Jackson

Rayon Vert

Test, test, one, two, three.....is this mic on?


Cool track.

I see both sides of the story on the lyric...

But I'm kinda lucky, I have a preference to not go out my front door too often!

But I know folks who are struggling to stay sane.
I also know folks who have lost folks.
I know folks, both neighbours and relatives too far away for me to get to, who are at great risk.
And from months ago I remember folks who are bound to lose their jobs (if they haven't already) because I was one of their customers and I'll never be going back to their stuff because I've learnt a different way to live that I much prefer. Similarly, there are folks who have kept their jobs or who have found an opportunity because the changes in my world mean I am now their customer.

I saw the title first, "I will not live like this" ... I love it as a title and a sentiment.... it's something I've kind of said to myself several times over the years when I had to dig myself out of a hole I ended up in...

I kinda knew what it would be referring to in this song though, at this time, and that I might not totally agree with it, but that's cool :)

I hear and say "I will not live like this" not as protest against anyone imposing anything on me, more as a commitment to myself on how I will address the circumstances I find myself in.

Anyways, cool track :)

PreSonus Studio One

(Studio 68c 6x6)
   All that I need
Is just a piece of paper
To say a few lines
Make up my mind
So she can read it later
When I'm gone

- BRM Gibb
AndyR is on

   The Shoebox Demos Vol 1
FAWM 2022 Demos
Remasters Vol 1


Great composition Steve with a great mix of vocals and guitar , like the way you have double tracked the vocal it works really well in the song , In Liverpool we are going through are second wave of covid 19 , with increasing questions of our leaders in the  government ,your song to me fits in with this feeling nicely , uncomfortable days for all of us , great composition and Idea

Boss BR-800
Happiness is a warm ES 335, Boss BR800, Tascam dp 24 , Boss Micro , Fender Strat 70s original, Line 6 classical modeling guitar, yamaha ps 125 keyboard. Hohner Bass guitar.

Tascam DP-24
Boss Micro BR
Boss BR-8