The World is on Fire

Started by Farrell Jackson, September 30, 2020, 11:11:23 AM

Farrell Jackson

Josephrodz, Farrell Jackson - The World Is On Fire final
The lyrics to this song were inspired by all the wild fires that are currently happening in California, USA. It seems our whole state is burning and the fire season is just getting under way. I feel for all the folks that have lost everything due to the fires. We are safe so far but fires are burning North, South, East and West of us.
Credits: Joseph Rodriguez - All the music. Farrell Jackson - Lyric, melody and vocal.
The World is on Fire

(V1) An orange glow in the sky
Blew up before our eyes
One lone spark became an inferno
That happens when you lose the journal

The world is on fire
Can you hear the town crier? 

(V2) Surrounded and stuck in the mire
Of a wind whipped wild fire
All good logic is tossed out the door
As it spreads from shore to shore

The world is on fire
Can you hear the town crier? 

(V3) This can't be the normal state
Driving this crazy turn of fate
There needs to be another course
To change this fast-moving force


(V4) Ash is fallin' like snow from the sky
Don't look up or it will burn your eyes
The red sunrises and red sunsets
Are so beautiful we almost forget....that

The world is on fire....yeah.

Farrell Jackson © 9-20-20

Tascam DP-32
Fostex VF-160

Farrell Jackson

Rayon Vert

Test, test, one, two, this mic on?


Thats one funky guitar at the start and throughout loving it ....loving your vocal on this too... excellent Lyrics.....yeah loving the solo too....did i say i love it.... this gets a thumbs up from both Regs Yeah!!
If Life is a dream then use your imagination

Ray Brookes

I loved this track right from the start when it kicks in with that cool guitar phrase then rolls into that fantastic funky groove. Excellent performance both instrumentally and vocally. Great lyrics too - we know all about the horror of bushfires down here in Australia, in fact our bushfire season is approaching. This is a brilliant track, Farrell - love it.
Ray Brookes


The world's certainly on fire in more ways than one, and I think your lyrics capture that perfectly. and the angst driven guitar rifts hooked from the first measure on.  Vocals are superb and a great overall mix.  Love this one.....on to my iPod with it.
"Play because you love it. Don't worry about if it will ever make any money, just understand that playing is an end in itself, and you play music, it will make your life better. And, don't worry about being a star, don't worry about making money, worry about nothing, just sit down with your guitar and let it speak to you and that will make your life better. It will bring beauty into your life. It's a great thing to do."     ---- David Crosby


Me Rodriguez always lays down a killer track and your vocals added make this a killer track well done to both of you now Sir may I have another please
Life is not about the number of Breathes you take, it is the amount of times your breathe is taken away


yesyesand yes
That is the way one Rocks....
Boss BR-1600
Zoom R24
         you can call me anything you like.  Just don't call me late for dinner


Well, you certainly have first hand inspiration for this one, Farrell. Very well written, very visual.
The music and vocal reminds me of one of those quirky tunes Led Zep would throw out there once in a while. Very catchy, and well performed.
There are only three kinds of drummers. Those who can count, and those who can't.

kenny mac

Sounds like it could be a zeppelin song, your vocal is on fire on this as well.
That guitar playing is superb,what a tone.
Is this real drums?
Everything sits right in the mix.
A brilliant performance.


Well in Farrell what a"BELTER"  of a song , just love those guitar riffs , superb mate superb , its got the lot in there, performed with talent and skill , dripping all over it , love your guitar playing and your songwriting skills and you vocal , all three of them make a for a high standard in recording and composition

Loved it

Boss BR-800
Happiness is a warm ES 335, Boss BR800, Tascam dp 24 , Boss Micro , Fender Strat 70s original, Line 6 classical modeling guitar, yamaha ps 125 keyboard. Hohner Bass guitar.

Tascam DP-24
Boss Micro BR
Boss BR-8
