"Over My Shoulder"-The Video

Started by Johnbee, September 24, 2020, 06:04:42 PM


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I know I presented this song back in July, but I wanted to share it with you again, this time with a slideshow video.  I've had a video of this song up on ebutuoy since 2018 but as I mentioned in the earlier song post, the vocals were truly barf worthy and I just needed to give them another pass.  Since I remade the vocal track in July, I also wanted to re post the video with the new vocal track, but the original video was made in Windows Movie Maker that came with my Windows 7 laptop.  In January of this year, I upgraded that laptop to Windows 10 and lost the Movie Maker.  Well, I found a new version of the movie maker for Win 10 and bought it, so I managed to recreate the video with the better voice track.  I know many enjoyed the song.  Here's a deeper perspective of it.  I hope you enjoy this as well.

 :) John B



A beautiful tribute song filled with hope.  Thank you John for sharing such a personal thing with me (us...songcrafters).  To know such love is very special and I found myself with a tear or two as I watched this.  I am hoping there is a downloadable mp3 on your juke box so I can get this for later.  I do enjoy your music very much.  Plus I see that I grew up in a neighbor state of yours (upstate NY). 
As I have said before also I really enjoy your singing style...it is wonderful...
Boss BR-1600
Zoom R24
         you can call me anything you like.  Just don't call me late for dinner


Boss BR-80

comme ci, comme ça

Ray Brookes

A beautiful composition and so tastefully arranged. Great vocal that works that lovely melody and the orchestration is superlative. It is also a lovely video, John and a great tribute to your parents; what a fantastic and nostalgic collection of photographs. Great work.
Ray Brookes


Steven, Hilary abd Ray-
Thanks for taking the time to check this out.
 :) John B.


Your music is always pleasure to listen to. Fine job with the vid, too!
Korg Sound on Sound
Redler & Co   
Boss BR-80
Boss Micro BR