Busy Cracking Up Tonight

Started by Greeny, September 11, 2020, 03:35:40 AM


Busy Cracking Up Tonight_GREENY
Sometimes you just want to turn it up and fuzz-out  ;D

Just an Epiphone Les Paul ('56 Gold Top with P90's), Fender Jazz, Vocals, and Garageband drums (good old reliable Kyle  ;D). Various pedals - fuzz, fulltone OCD (COSM), and compressor. All done on the MBR.

i see thru walls with xray specs
and Nelson lying on the deck
kiss me hardy - kiss me quick

cannonballs and splintered wood
some big muff fuzz would do me good
subbuteo - it's flick to kick

cut along the dotted line
and keep this coupon heart of mine
even though you won't redeem it
lying low and flying blind
with arteries of wine
i'm busy cracking up tonight

busy busy busy busy cracking up
i'm busy cracking up tonight

insanity will keep me sane
reverse polarities again
brass monkeys staring at the sea

cut along the dotted line
and keep this coupon heart of mine
even though you won't redeem it
lying low and flying blind
with arteries of wine
i'm busy cracking up tonight

busy busy busy busy cracking up
i'm busy cracking up tonight


Had a few nightS like that with arteries of wine Cracking up myself .. a cracking subject and a cracking song
If Life is a dream then use your imagination


I just love the hook on this song most people can relate to arteries made of wine as usual outstanding playing and vocals
Life is not about the number of Breathes you take, it is the amount of times your breathe is taken away


I love the rhythm of the words and the thought behind them.

A tastefully crafted song with a bit of oommph.
Boss BR-80

comme ci, comme ça


Heard this today while running...well...love the "mufffuzz" thingy line... is that a pedal (ha)...? 
Boss BR-1600
Zoom R24
         you can call me anything you like.  Just don't call me late for dinner

Ray Brookes

Those chunky guitars sound just great and the production on this track is excellent. Cool amusing lyrics too - sort of reminds me of Squeeze somehow and I like that interesting bass line. My bass lines are usually boring non-adventurous efforts.
Ray Brookes


Ooooh I effin' love this! You absolutely NAILED the guitar sounds, definitely your best yet. Lovely creamy distorted tones with the compressor really doing its work well, the quieter parts don't get lost and there are lovely dynamics when you hit the chords hard. Love the production, this sounds really good through the monitors.

Brilliant song and lyrics as always. I grew up in that same quirky world you seem to inhabit, everything resonates with me. Loving the bass line as always. Another stellar effort Tim, bravo.


Another classic.

Stripped back but with lots of body and thickness (I sound like a shampoo commercial).

I also loved the bass line and the fuzz guitars panned either side of the vocal to provide the space in the middle.

Great rocker.


PreSonus Studio 1824
PreSonus FaderPort 8
PreSonus Studio One

Pete C

Great song Tim and I love the guitar tone - never used fuzz since I was 19/20 and tend to go for overdrive or sometimes a bit of distortion. Think I'll be doing a bit of experimentation as there's a few fuzz models in my multi-effects.

Boss BR-600
Boss BR-800