Music File Info For MP3s

Started by StephenM, September 04, 2020, 10:08:23 PM


To whoever is reading this.  I wanted to say that I am up to 68 songs in my SC folders that I listen to quite regularly as I traverse my day.  I want to say thanks to everyone for making my days better and brighter and honestly I am one of those people that really pay attention to music.  In fact I can't really have conversations with people when I am listening because the music draws me to it.
The reason I bring this up is because when I am listening to a song and I think to, I really like this, who is this?  And so I look at the screen and it says a song name and just below that is a little statement where the "artist" name would appear.  It's unknown!  I really would rather know who unknown is.  I remember a few years ago when I was recording for the first time since the digital age trying to figure out how to get my information to pop up on the screen while it was playing like all the musicians I listened to and while it was an easy thing to do I just had a hard time figuring it out.  So I wonder if maybe some of you don't know?  If you don't care then that is your business but just know that as a "fan" of your music it isn't helpful to me in following you.
Boss BR-1600
Zoom R24
         you can call me anything you like.  Just don't call me late for dinner


So for those who may be wondering right click on the file.  Select properties.  then select "details" at the top of the screen.  Then you may enter all sorts of info but in particular the "album artist", "title", and "contributing artists" are important for the readouts on screens.  So it is easy to click over well to the right of each item such as "comments".  A box will open and let you type in the information you would like to enter. 
Anyway.  I am really loving your music but if I don't know who you are then I can't really acknowledge you!  Thanks for your consideration!!!!
Boss BR-1600
Zoom R24
         you can call me anything you like.  Just don't call me late for dinner

T.C. Elliott

So when I download a file (thanks to everyone for sharing) I use the saveas ArtistName_SongName.mp3
When i import into my playlist (iTunes or Foobar2000) I then enter the artist name, song name and then add an album name. Songcrafters is a catch all. But I also grabbed the Songcrafters Zepfest because it was amazing how well this place did those songs. Like all of them.

All that being said, I second the motion. PLEASE add ID3 tags. Artist and song name at a minimum. I often add a little blurb in the comments if it's for a specific challenge or if I have info about a collaboration etc.,)
Boss BR-900
Dead Ambassadors Bandcamp Page

T.C. Elliott Bandcamp Page

"You can't wait for inspiration. You have to go after it with a club." — Jack London


I must admit I didn't know you could do this.  Useful info.  I'll try to remeber.



When you attach an mp3 file to a post, our mp3 player automatically displays the song title and artist name it extracts from the ID3 tags.

For example, here's a screenshot of one of mine:

If there are no ID3 tags or the tags are empty, then it displays the filename of the mp3 file instead (without the extension).

For example, this is from a post of "Knockin' on Heaven's Door" by Bob Dylan. No ID3 tags were found in the attached MP3 file which had a filename of "SONG1_03.MP3".

So it's important to always add ID3 tag data for at least the song title and artist name to your mp3 before you upload it.

You can edit your ID3 tags in many audio editors, such as Audacity. Or you can use a separate Tag Editor program. I use EasyTAG, which is a free, open-source program available for Linux and Windows. But there are many more tag editors available, and a lot of them are free. This Wikipedia page lists a few:

If you want to change the tags of a previously-uploaded MP3, you'll have to replace the attachment. To do that, edit your message and un-check the old MP3 attachment. Then attach the new, updated file to your message.

You can create/edit ID3 tags in Audacity by selecting "Metadata..." from the Edit menu. I recommend going into Audacity's Preferences and selecting "Show Metadata Tags editor before export" on the "Import/Export" page. Then every time you export your song to MP3, it will prompt you to fill-in the ID3 tags. That way, you won't forget.

Zoom R20
Boss BR-864
Bitwig 8-Track
     My Boss BR website

"When one person suffers from a delusion it is called insanity. When many people suffer from a delusion it is called religion." - Robert M. Pirsig


Thanks Steve,  you are a real credit to what we are doing on this site - your pleasure in listening to our stuff is muchg appreciated.

I have to admit knew, but I am generally too lazy to fill in the tags. By the time I get to "Song xyz, version z , mix 27" I have completely lost track of ID3 tags  :)