How Do I Enter A Festival?

Started by Johnbee, August 23, 2020, 06:41:17 PM


How Do I Enter A Festival?  How do I get the banner onto my song post.  I have a Neo Soul song that I would like to enter.


 :) John B


To submit a song for a festival, simply post the song as a new topic in the Original Songs or Cover Songs board and set the message icon to "Festival submission" which looks like this: . Whenever we see a post with the festival submission message icon, a member of the admin team will add the song to the jukebox, then we'll add the festival banner and festival message icon to your post. You should never add the festival banner yourself. Also, it's helpful if you state in your post which festival the song is intended for.

Please remember that all festival submissions must be new recordings made specifically for the festival. We don't want members to merely search through their past recordings to find something that fits the theme of the festival. Instead, we want members to record something new with the festival theme in mind.

Also, festival submissions must be made entirely by members of Songcrafters. Any collaboration you might have done with someone who is not a member of Songcrafters is not eligible for the festivals.

If your song is a collaboration with one or more other members of Songcrafters, be sure to state who they are so we can get the credits right in the jukebox. And use their Songcrafters display name, not their real name. It's not always clear who you're referring to if you say that you collaborated with "Ken and Tim", for example. For one thing, we have several members named Ken and several named Tim. Also, we don't all know each other's real names so we might not know who you're referring to. And non-members who visit the site and listen to your song definitely won't know who you're referring to. So it's always best to use Songcrafters member names. That way, anyone who's interested in learning more about that member can easily look them up in the member list and check out their personal jukebox to hear more of their songs.

Once a song has been accepted for a festival, try to avoid changing the attachment as doing so will cause it to no longer play in the festival jukebox. If you must change an attachment for a new mix or whatever, be sure to send a PM to myself or cuthbert so we can update the jukebox with the new attachment URL. Also, editing your post after it's been accepted for a festival will cause the message icon to revert back to the standard icon (). Only members of the admin team can set festival message icons, so you'll have to let one of us know that you've edited your post so we can restore the message icon back to the appropriate festival message icon.

Festival submissions won't be accepted after the festival ends, with one exception. If you start working on a song during the festival but realise near the end of the festival that you won't have time to complete it before the festival ends, send a PM to any of the admin team before the end of the festival to advise us that you've started a song for the festival but will be a bit late submitting it. We will then watch for your song post and accept it for the previous festival even though it has ended.

Finally, remember that we can only accept MP3 files as festival submissions. We can't accept videos. So, although you're welcome to include a video with your post, it must be accompanied by an MP3 attachment or a link to an MP3 file stored offsite if you're submitting it for a festival.

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