I Can't Quit You Babe (COVER-Willie Dixon song) collab by thetworegs & hardlock

Started by hardlock, August 16, 2020, 03:52:19 PM


Can't Quit You Babe Final Mix (112)
Long time coming but (hopefully) well worth the wait.  You know when a song is good when it grows on you?  On the other-hand, you know when you work so hard on a song you can't stand it anymore?  Well, even at 8 min+ I never lost interest! It just kept growing on me.

I had a lot of trouble with some timing flubs trying to adjust all the parts to the accelerando and ritardando tempo changes of Trevor's fine free-flowing "singer song-writer" style cover of a Willie Dixon piece found here:


It's so much different than editing to a click track..... Specially being a drummer!

I finally managed to sync it all up fairly well I think with lots of slicing and dicing!  Still learning so constructive comments always welcome!



PS: had to upload mp3 at 112 bps so keep an open mind.... ???

Zoom PS-02
Boss Micro BR
Boss BR-600

My Originals:

My Collaborations:

Those things we take for granted - when we're young and immature - will surely return to haunt us when we're old and insecure


Sounds great, guys. I missed the original post. I checked it out, and there are some excellent and tasteful additions. A very live take. Nice work.
There are only three kinds of drummers. Those who can count, and those who can't.


A great song! I like how this grows from the start to the end. Everything works here...

I enjoyed each minute...amazing job!
Korg Sound on Sound
Redler & Co   
Boss BR-80
Boss Micro BR


You have done one hell of a job on this Ken I could believe how you had put so much instrumentation into the track ... thank you o but I should have put in my collaboration post that it was a regged up Willie Dixon number sorry for the confusion So could admin put it over in covers cheers
If Life is a dream then use your imagination


I wondered about the original/cover thing when I saw the title.... but anyways, I listened while it's still here in originals....

WHOA! Man, the work Ken's done on it ... WOW!!

I heard the raw version over on alonetone and loved it.

This knocks it out of the park... wow

Well done guys.
PreSonus Studio One

(Studio 68c 6x6)
   All that I need
Is just a piece of paper
To say a few lines
Make up my mind
So she can read it later
When I'm gone

- BRM Gibb
AndyR is on

   The Shoebox Demos Vol 1
FAWM 2022 Demos
Remasters Vol 1


Dripping with blues and coolness. The additions are very classy - beautifully underpinning that magnificent vocal. The slow build is so well handled and crafted. Fantastic collaboration fellas!


Yes lads, this is a great take on this old tune. You have made it your own with a lovely new fresh feel. I am only familiar with the Zep version and this is a million miles away from that. You guys sound so chilled and enjoying putting this down. Awesome.

iPad GarageBand


Wow guys, great work! I hadn't heard Trev's stripped down version (which is great btw) but this collab is superb. Brilliant additions from Ken that give it a whole new depth without losing the immediacy and emotion of Trev's original. Drums and guitar additions work really well and I know that must have been tough Ken, very well done indeed. Definitely worth all the effort, thumbs up all round from me.


Finally got to listen to this (for reasons explained on my colab version) and it was really worth the wait.  You have done a remarkable job and the way you handled the tempo changes brings the piece alive.

Bloody marvelous!

ps - those reg blokes can't half sing, can't they?


I missed this the first time around and hearing Paul's version along with Trev, reading the comments made me realize I had missed this...and so since I haven't heard much from Ken these days I thought I would like to hear this and bump it....sounds great....very laid back...very soulful...Trev normally posts at least a few songs a week...so it's good to hear his voice back on the SC airwaves...
the guitar work is especially noteworthy in my book...along with the vocals...but the music track sounds great
Boss BR-1600
Zoom R24
         you can call me anything you like.  Just don't call me late for dinner