Ramshackle - Greeny Original

Started by Greeny, July 29, 2020, 08:06:46 AM


More 12-string jingle-jangle  ::), this time with just compression and phaser pedals (no distortion). Fender Jazz Bass, a dash of Hofner Verythin on the solo part, and Garageband drums and keys. All done on the MBR.

wander round with your belly out
in the wee small witching hours
come and see my music room
and i'll show you all my powers

i can't do what i'm told
even though i've grown so old
a traveller of the minor roads
je ne regret rien

there's nothing wrong with 'from the heart'
being off-kilter and burned
deconstruct reality
and the lessons that you've learned

be ramshackle

i'm not into perfection
of clipped suburban lawns
show me yours and i'll show you mine
the scars since we've been born

'cause i can't do what i'm told
even though i've grown so old
a traveller of the minor roads
je ne regret rien

there's nothing wrong with 'from the heart'
being off-kilter and burned
deconstruct reality
and the lessons that you've learned

be ramshackle

broken hearted
on losing sides
since we started

there's nothing wrong with 'from the heart'
being off-kilter and burned
deconstruct reality
and the lessons that you've learned

be ramshackle, ramshackle, yeah!


An Anthem to me, i wanna sing it till i'm blue lol !


Great tune Tim. Very catchy... I like the sentiment as well... Ramshackle is cool and not a massive fan of highly manicured suburban gardens either... but a great song and very well produced too. Sounds like you are having fun with the 12 string!

iPad GarageBand


Ramshackle should be my theme song! Great one! Love the chorus harmony. It tugs on a melody string from my past somewhere. And that's always a good thing!
Zoom PS-02
Boss Micro BR
Boss BR-600

My Originals:

My Collaborations:

Those things we take for granted - when we're young and immature - will surely return to haunt us when we're old and insecure

Farrell Jackson

A real appealing song Tim! The 12 string has the jingle jangle sound but it also has a cool bottom end to it. I like that! The choice of the thin lead solo fits perfectly with the rest of the mix. Creative lyric as well and some fine vox, all of them. Nicely done!

Tascam DP-32
Fostex VF-160

Farrell Jackson

Rayon Vert

Test, test, one, two, three.....is this mic on?


Wow! This is a stunner, one of my absolute faves from you. I love the sound of the 12 string, you really nailed it on this one. It sounds rich and sparkly but there's not too much jingle jangle. Fab. And the song structure and chord changes are superb, I really liked the three sections before the "be ramshackle" hook. And the hook and the harmonies are great, so well done and so catchy. I loved the solo as well, very nicely done and the bass is just how I like my bass - melodic and interesting and creating a great counterpoint to the guitars. The whole thing drives along and just demands to be played again and again. Which I did.

However, and here's the but, for the first time I didn't like the lyrics  :o In fact I found them a bit upsetting. That's because I suffer from obsessive compulsive personality disorder (Google it, it explains a lot about me..... ;D) and there's nothing I love MORE than a beautifully manicured suburban lawn!!! I used to pick the weeds out of mine by hand and the stripes on my lawn were a joy to behold (I am really not kidding here). So the idea of being ramshackle is an anathema to me. But I do get where you are coming from...... ;)

I still loved the song though.  It really is an absolute killer!


I can relate... I'm OCD too (amongst other things...). But not with tidiness as such. I just need everything under control and in the correct order that my anxiety demands. Things like having the right strap and strap locks on all my guitars, and having them arranged in a very specific pecking order, and knowing where specific plectrums are, and noticing if anybody has touched or moved them. And then I'll obsess about album track orders, playlist collections, album cover designs, and whether my Les Paul is better with or without a pickguard... it's never ending. Kind of a disability  ;D

Quote from: Ferryman on July 30, 2020, 10:20:09 AMWow! This is a stunner, one of my absolute faves from you. I love the sound of the 12 string, you really nailed it on this one. It sounds rich and sparkly but there's not too much jingle jangle. Fab. And the song structure and chord changes are superb, I really liked the three sections before the "be ramshackle" hook. And the hook and the harmonies are great, so well done and so catchy. I loved the solo as well, very nicely done and the bass is just how I like my bass - melodic and interesting and creating a great counterpoint to the guitars. The whole thing drives along and just demands to be played again and again. Which I did.

However, and here's the but, for the first time I didn't like the lyrics  :o In fact I found them a bit upsetting. That's because I suffer from obsessive compulsive personality disorder (Google it, it explains a lot about me..... ;D) and there's nothing I love MORE than a beautifully manicured suburban lawn!!! I used to pick the weeds out of mine by hand and the stripes on my lawn were a joy to behold (I am really not kidding here). So the idea of being ramshackle is an anathema to me. But I do get where you are coming from...... ;)

I still loved the song though.  It really is an absolute killer!


Brilliant pop song, again! I loved this right from the start, it's so catchy both on verses and chorus.

On the third listening while having my morning coffee...
Korg Sound on Sound
Redler & Co   
Boss BR-80
Boss Micro BR


Thanks Tim,

Lovely piece of 1980s pop.

Could easily have been written by Mills, Stipe Buck and Berry.

Love the 12 string. Nothing better than jangly guitars.

Bass provides a wonderful counterpoint as well.

Best wishes,


PreSonus Studio 1824
PreSonus FaderPort 8
PreSonus Studio One

kenny mac

Excellent greeny the 12 string has really inspired you.
Think you've inspired a few people to get one.
Ive no room for any more,,,or have I ? ;D