Haltia - Viides Heimo (5th Tribe) Mike_S on slide guitar

Started by Redler, June 30, 2020, 01:21:23 AM


Kari Eskola - Haltia - Viides HeimoW (original)
CollabFest2 (banner image missing)

Hello all!

Mike_S added slide and vocals on my backer a few weeks ago:
Yesterday, I and Päivi wrote Finnish lyrics on it. I added some symbals and made a new mix and mastered it on BandLab on-line mastering service. The lyrics has Finnish "folklore" vibe...you can put it on google translator and try to get what it's all about ;D

Thanks for listening! And thanks Mike for the slide guitar! It's brilliant!

Recorded both on MicroBR and BR-80
several tracks on electric and acoustic guitars
Harley Benton bass
Alesis Light e-drums
Darabuga drum
Yamaha keyboard with different "instruments"
Mixed and cleaned on Audacity
Mastered on BandLab

Viides Heimo (5th tribe)

Hiidenkiukaan takaa
soi laulu kaukainen
Ukkosen jumala
taivaalla rummuttaa
Musta korppi liitää
kantaa suruaan
kuu vartioi
maljaa kultaista

Kallion laelta
valo kajastaa
heimo tanssii
tulen valossa
mustan taivaan halkoo
monta salamaa
luona nuotion
huuto kajahtaa

Hiipuu hiillos
laulu vaimenee
vain korppi liitää
taivas vaikenee
viimein salomaalle
heimo nukahtaa
silloin heimon aarteen
kuu paljastaa

Korppi saa aarteen kultaisen
vie nokassaan heimon sormuksen
Korg Sound on Sound
Redler & Co   
Boss BR-80
Boss Micro BR


I hope you don´t get bored with Finnish language. ;D ;D We wanted to do Haltia-version of this song. It tells about natives who are dancing around fire up on the hills in a thunderstorm. I like that mystical feeling and drums and Mike´s slide guitar is just perfect!


Wow! this is fabulous, don't apologise for singing in Finnish it is marvellous.
whit goes oan in ma heid






"In order to compose, all you need to do is remember a tune that nobody else has thought of."
- Robert Schumann


This is absolutely amazing! Dark, powerful and epic. It should be the theme to a Scandi murder drama. What a great idea to revisit and work this up into something even more special. Brilliant performances all round, and the mix does sound superb.


This is absolutely wonderful. The vocals really take it to the next level, and they are superbly sung. This now oozes foreboding, darkness and atmosphere. A stunning track, well done all.

Mind you, the lyrics might be about a happy summer holiday, I have no idea. I think anything in Finnish sounds a bit scary........

One thing I would change - don't keep panning the vocals. It's a tempting trick but IMO it distracts from the power of the vocals. They are the star of the piece now and should be right down the centre of the mix IMO, with everything else adding atmosphere around them. It's ok to pan the backing vocals but the main vox should hit your right between the eyes (just IMO of course).

I know she's not Finnish, but do you know Anna Von Hausswolff? Check out "The Mysterious Vanishing of Electra", you might enjoy it.....


sounds really fantastici listened without the vocals the other day but i must say it sounds really impresive with the vocals and backing superb collab well done to all .    cheers tony cee
Zoom HD16


Beautiful Piece of music, really beautiful so many facets to it. A real masterpiece :)


Oh yes. Love it.
Completely different vibe to what went before... but kinda WOW!
PreSonus Studio One

(Studio 68c 6x6)
   All that I need
Is just a piece of paper
To say a few lines
Make up my mind
So she can read it later
When I'm gone

- BRM Gibb
AndyR is on

   The Shoebox Demos Vol 1
FAWM 2022 Demos
Remasters Vol 1


I got a bit confused yesterday...
Redler, are you sure you've linked the correct topic for the earlier version? :)
I recognised the track you'd linked, but I couldn't see how you guys got from A to B...

... and so I was crediting you guys with some sort of supernatural powers of "hearing the song behind the song that the mortals cannot hear" ;D ;D ;D ;D

But I've just got round to listening to a different track from Mike_S and going to myself "HEY! I recognise that slide!"

I think you mean this one?

Both are STUNNERS - can't quite decide between them, I think this with Ella's vox just pips it for me... but the moody backing and Mike's slide underpins both
Love both :)
PreSonus Studio One

(Studio 68c 6x6)
   All that I need
Is just a piece of paper
To say a few lines
Make up my mind
So she can read it later
When I'm gone

- BRM Gibb
AndyR is on

   The Shoebox Demos Vol 1
FAWM 2022 Demos
Remasters Vol 1


Thanks for listening and commenting!

Quote from: AndyR on July 07, 2020, 01:18:29 AMI got a bit confused yesterday...
Redler, are you sure you've linked the correct topic for the earlier version? :)
I recognised the track you'd linked, but I couldn't see how you guys got from A to B...

I'm sorry, now I've changed the right song  ;D .
Korg Sound on Sound
Redler & Co   
Boss BR-80
Boss Micro BR