Clock is Tickin'

Started by Pine, May 26, 2009, 05:54:34 AM


Hi guys...
  Always wanted to try my hand at a "funky blues"..some songs seem to take forever to put together. This one all but wrote itself. I love it when that happens!!

Where the hell does the time go? Seems i was a kid just the other day and now i'm closin' fast on 60. Kinda where this song is at...

" The Clock is Tickin' "

Boss BR-1200


Perfect production again !!!

Ahh i like this kinda blues!! Lifts my spirit on a cr¤ppy day !!!

Great harmonies and I love that lead vox too !! You sound like your having fun, and that's always a major plus for me!!!!

Impeccable playing as always!!
Boss BR-80
Boss BR-800
iPad GarageBand

Oh well ........


Thanks Geir...Comments very much appreciated! I was just listenning to your song Happy Guitars over at SC...great fun there! Clean sound and neat tone to that punky beat that i love (i've never done a punk song and always wanted to). I had heard it before and had it confused with a vid (per PM) that was a punky tune. You play very well!
Boss BR-1200


Just hang on and "Me and my happy guitars" will be posted ... with new bass and with vox .. not me on either !!! This site is so much fun !!!!
Boss BR-80
Boss BR-800
iPad GarageBand

Oh well ........


wow Pinedog this is really great!!  Love your sound and your vocals.


Thanks Wiley! It was really fun to do because it just came together fast...and believe me, that ain't usually the case!!
Boss BR-1200


Amazed me! Nice funky tune you've got here!

I loved it! Great job on the vocals, is there two vocal tracks?

Anyway i loved it ! :D
If you loose track over a chord progression, play as fast as you possibly can. Nobody will know. Thats how they invented bebop.

The Reverend 48

Well Done! 8)
First of all the concept and lyrics hit a spot with me.....
The funky rhythm is excellent and I love the tone of the lead...
The production is the dogz too
I know I'm being cheeky but I'd love a copy of the rhythm to jam over ;)


Quote from: 0jimihendrix0 on May 26, 2009, 11:32:22 PMGreat job on the vocals, is there two vocal tracks?

Thanks! yes,,two vocal tracks on the choruses..melody, harmony. If you mean on use the patch with a bit of delay for that rockabilly ambience sound.

I also doubled the guitar in real time an octave up. I could of done that with a doubler or with my harmonizer but then it would be "perfect synch"...and i don't like that sound...reminds me of todays
Boss BR-1200


Quote from: 48 on May 27, 2009, 04:12:08 AMWell Done! 8)
First of all the concept and lyrics hit a spot with me.....
The funky rhythm is excellent and I love the tone of the lead...
The production is the dogz too
I know I'm being cheeky but I'd love a copy of the rhythm to jam over ;)

Thanks Mike..really appreciate your comments. The BR is an amazing machine. Much more amazing than this old hippie!

As for a copy of the rhythm...not sure what you use for rhythm backing tracks. I used my Boss DR-3 for this...and it was just a preset  "funky blues" i believe. It's just a 1-4-5 in A with that little melody lick for the turnaround.

I worked on a song for about 8 hours and finally got so aggravated i deleted it all. I needed and wanted one more tune to finish my cd so i turned to my BOSS DR-3 and found that setting. (preset) I recorded  about 3 minutes of it...including a preset ending. The lyrics came out in 5 minutes and the music was easy as well because the backing track was a simple progression that i just bluesified with minor 7th chords. Man i wish every tune could hatch like that. Not often the case! What do you use for bass/drum tracks?
Boss BR-1200