Taking Me All The Way

Started by danthecoat, April 26, 2020, 04:25:48 AM


Taking Me All The way EDIT
This song was wrote many years ago originally on a 12 string guitar with a friend of mine. It became probably my most important song over the years for one reason or another. I recorded this on a fostex 8 track a few years later and i remember i had to record the lead guitar in small parts and it was painstaking to do and took ages. The song never changed much from when it was first wrote a few changes to the lyrics and the odd chord here and there and i added an instrumental break but other than that not much.

This song was totally different to anything i was writing around that time and since but it seemed to come from nowhere just sitting there with a mate strumming and taking turns to sing a verse. I have never wrote that way before or since which is probably why its so different.


Farrell Jackson

I can hear some Pink Floyd influence here (a good thing) and you've put this song together well. Some good guitar and fine vox also. The drums are cool are they real? They sound real which is a big plus to my ears. Nicely done!

Tascam DP-32
Fostex VF-160

Farrell Jackson

Rayon Vert

Test, test, one, two, three.....is this mic on?


Thanks Farrell,

The drums are midi and were done on a very Boss drum machine one you could program if you had a spare 3 or 4 days and didn't mind losing the whole lot once or twice  >:(

A few people have mentioned the Pink floyd vibe but it wasn't intentional but ill take that ;)



Really good song Dan, I like your vocal style, nice and original tone and some lovely lead playing... good to hear you are enjoying making music again... looking forward to hearing more

iPad GarageBand

Flash Harry

Oh Wow - this is excellent.  Like Farrell, I can hear some Floyd infuence in here.

It's a great rounded track, loads of layers, I like the hramonics form time to time - niec touch, really nicely put together,

It may be  worth getting a bit of freeware if you haven't alresdy got it called Audacity, you can use it to trim all the lead-in from your tracks which saves space and measn that your tracks start as soon as you hit play.

You can find it here: http://web.audacityteam.org/, you will need the Lame MP3 encoder too. The info for that is here: https://manual.audacityteam.org/man/faq_installation_and_plug_ins.html#lame

We are here on Earth to fart around. Don't let anybody tell you any different
- Kurt Vonnegut.


Yes definitely a Floyd influence, but still a great listen, well done, have you any recent stuff??
Boss BR-80


Yes! Wow! Beautiful song and I must say You are a very good singer!


Quote from: Flash Harry on April 26, 2020, 02:35:10 PMOh Wow - this is excellent.  Like Farrell, I can hear some Floyd infuence in here.

It's a great rounded track, loads of layers, I like the hramonics form time to time - niec touch, really nicely put together,

It may be  worth getting a bit of freeware if you haven't alresdy got it called Audacity, you can use it to trim all the lead-in from your tracks which saves space and measn that your tracks start as soon as you hit play.

You can find it here: http://web.audacityteam.org/, you will need the Lame MP3 encoder too. The info for that is here:

See this is what i mean about helpful. Top man i have done what you suggested and re uploaded the file and the large silence at the start is cured  8)

Thanks for your help  ;D


Quote from: Ella on April 27, 2020, 01:51:03 AMYes! Wow! Beautiful song and I must say You are a very good singer!

Thank you so much Ella

Quote from: SE on April 26, 2020, 03:45:03 PMYes definitely a Floyd influence, but still a great listen, well done, have you any recent stuff??

I do have a more recent song called A kiss in time on here. Heres the link....

I am writing and recording new stuff as we speak as well as remastering tracks my old band stuff. Its a very exciting but busy time for me at the moment :)


This is right up my street. Excellent songwriting & performance - can also hear a Floyd influence, but it's just a cool, classic vibe that flows along beautifully. That lead part at the outro is fantastic.

My kind of music.