Drain the Swamp (Big Bad Dog)

Started by thetworegs, March 15, 2020, 11:16:33 AM


Clean the Swamp (Big Bad Dog)
So you took your chance
You told your lies
On TV you gave your smile
You shook their hands
You took their vote
You did'nt have to lie

Now you've got the power
You've climbed that wall
You've got over to the other side
No one here, seemed to have a clue
Just how much you had to lie

You said you'd drain the swamp
Get rid of the scourge
Clean it up
Get it back clean
You said it was fact you'd do it for sure
But all did was you lie

It can't go on
you can't have it all
You can't make us dance to your tune no more
You don't turn on
you just turn us off
And that just feels wrong
Like Icarus you fly close to the sun
now you gotta
I've finally got the studio back together after the move into the new house and this is the first recording. So here goes the first of many more to come from the Big Bad Dog..
If Life is a dream then use your imagination

Some great riffage and a good effect on the vocal. Love the lyrics, delivered as only you can. A top song from the new studio.       Willie
Boss BR-800


Very dirty Rage Against the Machine riffage. The distorted vocals work great and the lyrics are spot on. I keep hoping the orange shitgibbon catches Covid-19. But it's more likely that he'd infect Covid-19.

Great work.


Wild drum track and bass licks.
Crazy tune.. reminded me of old Zappa stuff.
As for the lyrics, how dare you speak the truth. :)
The new studio looks great!
Boss BR-1200


Loving the bass groove on this one Trev! Really powerful sound that drives the song along, ably support by the other instruments. Great vocal performance as always and clever use of effects on the vox. A very assured and powerful performance all round, well done!

The new studio is clearly working well.....


Great to hear a new tune from you. Music gives a Sabbath vibe, but maybe that's just me. Vocals are pure Reg.
Cool tune!
Rock on!
"...a guitar sound that you could curdle cream with." Ferryman


Just superb and agressive groove! Loving the bass line and guitar riffs!

Of course, your vocals is icing on the cake!
Korg Sound on Sound
Redler & Co   
Boss BR-80
Boss Micro BR