I'm Getting Closer (to the edge)

Started by The Gobi Desert Canoe Club, February 25, 2020, 07:03:33 AM

I'm Getting Closer
Hi all, as some of you may know I have been struggling with partial deafness and arthritis and a bit of general despondency. I have however managed to get back in the saddle to a certain degree and it seems to be doing me a bit of good. Anyway here's something I managed to cobble together that is of passable standard.  Hope you enjoy.        Willie

You say that I'm crazy
Well maybe I am
Things are getting hazy
I don't know who I am

And I'm getting closer
Yeah I'm getting closer
I'm getting closer to the edge

I stare into spaces
You think I'm asleep
But I see the faces
That are staring at me

And I'm getting closer
Yeah I'm getting closer
I'm getting closer to the edge


I'm on my own now
I have my own room
But I hear voices saying
I'll be with them soon

And I'm getting closer
Yeah I'm getting closer
I'm getting closer to the edge


And I'm getting closer
Yeah I'm getting closer
I'm getting closer to the edge


Boss BR-800


Are not we all getting closer to the end, Nice song and great to hear you playing again
Life is not about the number of Breathes you take, it is the amount of times your breathe is taken away


Great to hear the voice and the guitar again Willie. The tone and playing is unmistakeable. A very good tune enjoyed that a lot... just good to hear you have felt up to playing again.

iPad GarageBand


Been missing your songs, Willie - loved this one. Plenty of that jangle, floating pads, soaring lead, and melancholy lyrics - checks all the boxes for me. Glad to hear that making a new song is helping with the struggles - that's something many of us can identify with.
Boss Micro BR
Boss BR-80
Boss BR-800
Adobe Audition

Farrell Jackson

Welcome back Willie! It's good to hear you're back in the musical saddle again. This is a very good song with some poignant lyric. The tone and your playing on the guitar solo sounds like you haven't missed a step. I'm glad to see that you're not letting that menace, "Mr. Author Itis," get in your way. I thoroughly enjoyed this listen. Cheers!

Tascam DP-32
Fostex VF-160

Farrell Jackson

Rayon Vert

Test, test, one, two, three.....is this mic on?


Magic, great to hear you again, deffo your own sound. And i do believe music is great therapy for all our ails. Keep on rocking brother.
whit goes oan in ma heid






"In order to compose, all you need to do is remember a tune that nobody else has thought of."
- Robert Schumann


Ah, still doing nice work Willie, glad your here and glad i've spent the past 10 years listening to your beautiful tunes.

 We are similar, you and I, in some ways. I look forward to your next composition.
"...a guitar sound that you could curdle cream with." Ferryman


Willie, it's so good to hear you posting again. This is really fantastic. The vocals are really, really good, one of your best for a while IMO. The production is well balanced and lush, and the lead guitar sound is superb, and the lead lines so tastefully played. It's great to hear you back again, nothing wrong with only doing things when the mood takes you.

I really like the lyrics on this one, clearly very heartfelt. I am in a very similar situation, and I nearly gave it all up a few weeks back. My hearing is bad and although I wear hearing aids which correct things, I have the issue that I can't wear them with headphones. So I have to do my recording and sound set up with my "dull" hearing, and when I playback the recording through monitors with my hearing aids in it sounds completely different. This is really frustrating because I can't properly hear what I am playing and I have to try to compensate for it.

Arthritis is also an increasing problem. I can't play my Tele anymore because I can't make a C chord shape on its narrow neck. I can just about play a C on my Jagmaster (wider and shorter neck) so I traded the Tele. I decided to carry on making music but I am being much less ambitious in what I try to do and also decided to get rid of a load of gear so I don't have it sitting around making me feel bad that I never use it.

Long story short, I am right there with you. Keep doing what you can do is the only advice I can give you. And if it's more stuff like this song, it's well worth doing!