You Only Tell Me Stories

Started by j.g., January 28, 2020, 08:12:32 AM


You Only Tell Me Stories MP3
Hi Everyone – this is a quick return to the fold with a short explanation as to where I have been.
In 2012 I had an accident at home with a bad head injury. After ladders fell and gave me a big bump I was unable to drive for six months, I collapsed on various occasions, my speech was impaired and music was out of the question.
During the next four years my music gear was stored away and was not being used so some pieces were sold off. However one of my friends asked me if I could replace a guitarist for a couple of weeks as the regular man was off ill. I did try a rehearsal and completed some gigs. As the guitarist was still not fit I carried on and after two years it was now my turn to say I needed a rest from all the travelling. So they got a replacement in and and I retired again.
As I am now nearly 70 I decided I wasn't probably going to do much more music so thought I would sell off the gear. The Boss BR1600 hadn't been used for about seven years I thought I had better make sure it still worked. Once it was out I tried a bit of recording and got fired up again. The first song I have written for over six years is now here for you to have a listen to. Great to start using my Fender Strat again but still feel this is only a short visit. On the track it is all me on the guitars and doing vocal tracks. I hopefully will now be able to get back into the groove of listening to some of your tracks again and dropping in some comments.


Welcome back, Geoff!!!

Listened to this on your FB wall and liked it!! A toe tapper tune - no doubt!

When I saw your avatar, it took me back to early 2010's - nice memories.

All the best to you and I wish this is not a short visit....
Korg Sound on Sound
Redler & Co   
Boss BR-80
Boss Micro BR


Nice to hear you bother I took a little break for a while and just started recording again sure did miss it hope to hear more soon
Life is not about the number of Breathes you take, it is the amount of times your breathe is taken away

Farrell Jackson

Welcome back Geoff! This song is an attention grabber. It's has a classic sound that I like. Not that it's a copy but I hear a little Stephen Stills vibe here or maybe it's Buffalo Springfield as a whole. I'm not sure but it ticks all the boxes for me. It doesn't sound like you've lost any of your musical skills at all. As far as no more music at almost 70 (I'm right there with you and I have more in me) ....maybe you're just getting started? Well done on this song!

Tascam DP-32
Fostex VF-160

Farrell Jackson

Rayon Vert

Test, test, one, two, this mic on?


Now I've started listening in, I now really regret selling my keyboards Roland EM2000 and Korg M50) - this gives me something to work towards again.
By the way, I know pushing 70 isn't old but our band was travelling to gigs 70 miles away and getting back at 2am. The singer was 76 and is still doing it every week now. Bit much when you have all the gear to sort out and load. Perhaps sitting at home recording is the best world. Just miss all the women chasing me at the end !!!


Good to hear you again, really well done, so pro.  Alex.

Boss BR-800
Boss Micro BR

If I had known i was going to be this thirsty this morning I'd of had another Beer last night...

Farrell Jackson

Quote from: j.g. on January 29, 2020, 12:33:25 PMBy the way, I know pushing 70 isn't old but our band was travelling to gigs 70 miles away and getting back at 2am. The singer was 76 and is still doing it every week now. Bit much when you have all the gear to sort out and load. Perhaps sitting at home recording is the best world. Just miss all the women chasing me at the end !!!

I commend you for hanging in there and gigging as long as you have! After 35 years of steady gigging, I stopped when I was 62 for the same reasons you have listed above. I use to say that we play for free but you have to pay us to haul and set up the equipment. Recording does fill that musical need for me but as you say, I do miss the stage and some of the perks that go along with it, lol.

Tascam DP-32
Fostex VF-160

Farrell Jackson

Rayon Vert

Test, test, one, two, this mic on?


Welcome back Geoff!
great tune
and i never realised your age,
70 must be the new 20.
keep on rockin'
whit goes oan in ma heid






"In order to compose, all you need to do is remember a tune that nobody else has thought of."
- Robert Schumann


Cool song, Geoff - welcome back! Great to hear a new one from you.
Boss Micro BR
Boss BR-80
Boss BR-800
Adobe Audition


Really enjoyed this, it's a great rocker and I really like the guitar tone on this. Pretty darn good effort for someone that hasn't written anything for a while, I really like the lyrics and the combination of guitar and vocals works really well together. Very nice effort indeed, do keep them coming.

Quote from: j.g. on January 28, 2020, 08:12:32 AMAs I am now nearly 70 I decided I wasn't probably going to do much more music so thought I would sell off the gear.
Wow, that's a surprise (your age I mean). I really sympathise. I'm approaching 63 and the arthritis is starting to kick in. I'm trying to get back into writing and recording, I have to admit I nearly gave it all up a few weeks back but have decided to persevere.

You've confirmed that older guys can still do it, so keep the music coming!