Micro BR GTR Tone Bank

Started by groovedude, December 30, 2007, 03:56:32 PM


I finally got around to posting a tone that I have been using at my band's rehearsals and this one was a smashing success.  (Sounds great in a living room anyway.) I have entered in at Joe Cardinals Micro BR  GTR Tone Bank site.  The problem I encountered in the past was that I pressed the ENTER Key after entering my data.  Pressing the TAB key solved the problem and I was able to access the SUBMIT button.  When entering numerical data, be sure not to use labels like s for seconds or cm for centimeters, just enter the value only.

I've come up with a Lead guitar tone suitable for my version of the ballad "Simple Man" by one of the USA's Greatest Southern Rock Bands - Lynyrd Skynyrd. For best results, as always, be sure to set your amp to a flat response.  Distortion is obtained by using the soldano amp modeler - adjust the soldano's VOLUME (not the Master Volume) setting for more or less distortion to your liking.

Rhythm Guitar - use preset "VO Drive" that came with the Micro BR.

Lead Guitar - Search for "SmplMnLD" (do not use the quotes) at the GTR tone bank (use the filter "bluesy") at site listed below:


Tell me what you think!


Tone Bank has been updated so that browsers such as FireFox will show the submit button.

I apologize for the oversight and lack of follow up--been swamped at work and just realized the problem.



Can anyone share preset for megadeth/early metallica guitar sound?


I added a bunch of guitar tones to the GTR Tone Bank.

The BR is very sensitive to the types of pickups you are using.  I've added tones for PAFs, P90s, and overwound Single Coils.

Have fun!

Oh, and don't forget to experiment with the mic distance/position values under speaker settings, small changes can have a big effect.


it still amazes me sometimes how much stuff this little mighty mite can do-got some patches coming soon-i'll have to try 64 guitar's patch info to text program

Boss BR-600
Boss Micro BR
Cakewalk SONAR
iPad GarageBand


I know this is old, I ran across it during a search.  Do people still share patches? how? The website mentioned isn't working.  thx


He's not the messiah he's a very naughty boy!


With a little detective work you can find the settings from that site quite easily.