Micro BR GTR Tone Bank

Started by groovedude, December 30, 2007, 03:56:32 PM


I started the Micro BR GTR Tone Bank as a way for my brother and I to share custom guitar tones that we came up with. Unfortunately, as of yet there is no easy way to do this. Maybe with a future firmware update?

Until that day comes, you can search our GTR Tone Bank for rockin' tones and add your own to share with the world.

This is our fist day live, so the current list may be spartan until you folks start adding your tones:




Hi there!

That's a great idea, I've been thinking in something like that too.


This site has great possibilities.  I will be adding some Tones in the near future!!


Has anyone tried posting to this site?


I gave it a shot and my post did not show up in the listing.


Quote from: 97teledlx on January 13, 2008, 10:52:33 AMHas anyone tried posting to this site?


I gave it a shot and my post did not show up in the listing.

I never tried it, maybe it takes a while to update. When did you posted  it?


About an hour ago....jan 13 2008 at 12:30 pm.


Quote from: 97teledlx on January 13, 2008, 11:32:34 AMAbout an hour ago....jan 13 2008 at 12:30 pm.

It still isnt showing, you should try to post it again perhaps.


I do not see any kind of "submit" button and assumed the entering of the verification code and pressing the enter key would process my entries.  Unfortunately this appears to not be the case.  i will try at a later time. Thanks.


When I posted my patches I could only see the bottom edge of the submit button at the bottom of the page. The top of the button was covered by the bottom border of the box above it. Hope it helps as I'd like to try out some new tones!


Quote from: waynesan76 on January 16, 2008, 10:54:29 PMWhen I posted my patches I could only see the bottom edge of the submit button at the bottom of the page. The top of the button was covered by the bottom border of the box above it. Hope it helps as I'd like to try out some new tones!

If you click in the Verification Code edit box then press the Tab key on your keyboard, the Submit button should appear.

A better way to share patches arrives today. I've created a program that lists all of the parameters of your patches in plain ASCII text which you can easily copy to the Windows clipboard and paste into a message on this forum or elsewhere.


The download link doesn't work right now but it will be working sometime today if all goes as planned. And the file will be hosted here at microrecorders.org, so you will see a message about it later today with a link to the file.

I hope my program encourages more people to share their custom patches.
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