Two Timing Again

Started by The Gobi Desert Canoe Club, September 03, 2019, 07:19:11 AM

Two Timing Again
First new one for a while, the wall was bigger than I thought this time.  Hope you enjoy.    Willie

You say to me that you're only having fun
And we're alone at night I'm the only one
To hold you close, so tight
I'll hold you close now  feels right

But I've got a feeling
It's starting again
Yeah I got this feeling
You're two timing again

All I wanted was a love that was true
I thought I'd found it when I found you
I'd hold you close now so tight
I'd hold you close yeah feels so right

But I've got a feeling
It's starting again
Oh I got this feeling
You're two timing again


Tell me straight now don't give me no lies
'Cos if you do I can tell from your eyes
I'll hold you close so tight
You hold me close make everything right

But I've got a feeling
It's starting again
Oh I got a feeling
You're two timing again

But I've got a feeling
It's starting again
Oh I got a feeling
You're two timing again

Boss BR-800

Farrell Jackson

What a cool song to come back with Willie! Some fine vocals and guitar playing here. Well done all around!

Tascam DP-32
Fostex VF-160

Farrell Jackson

Rayon Vert

Test, test, one, two, this mic on?


I was really hoping to be the first to post here, but it looks like Farrell Jackson beat me to it..  >:(    :D

Anyway; you've absolutely made my morning, though not in the way you might think!!  (Don't get me wrong, I love the song!!  I'll go more into that in a bit..  BUT:)

As a newbie to this site I got TOTALLY caught up in the Roscoe/Willie mystery!!   :o 

I opened this post and listened to your song, enjoying the hell out of it!  Vocally my first impression was a smoother, less age-raddled version of Willie Nelson, hence I felt your signature 'Willie' was quite appropriate.  Hearing that I got a 'country' vibe from the song,  though the music is probably more contemporary pop.

Then (as I like to do before making a post to a member I've not heard before) I pulled up your jukebox to get a better feel for your music.  I like to start at a member's beginning so I pulled up your first post, 'I'm so glad I'm here', and immediately noticed you signed it 'Roscoe'.  Then (as I was listening to an AMAZING 'first post' [MUCH more impressive than MY first 'bare bones' post...]) I noticed one of the members posted:
Quote from: thetworegs on August 03, 2013, 01:48:27 AMHi and welcome ....are you sure your not Willie in disguise....that vocal you could be brothers...if not check him out you both of you have it going on ...... the others have said a great first post.....

THEN I saw your response in your very next song post:
Quote from: The Castrati Brothers on August 03, 2013, 12:30:11 PMHi, not sure what I have got myself into. I post my music and all I get is talk of Willie...

If i've joined some secret society by accident please have the courtesy to let me know (at the first opportunity) so I can relinquish my membership, by the next full moon at least. In case I'm totally mistaken here is another song. Roscoe

THEN I went back to your first post again and noticed that on the player it clearly showed:
QuoteBy Willie Wendon
right under the song title...   ???

At that point it became a search to find at what point 'Willie' came back to prominence..  And I found my grail in your post, 'Harry's on the News Tonight':  (Oh, boy...)  [very slight Beatles reference there... ;) ]
Quote from: The Castrati Brothers on April 30, 2014, 04:30:20 AMHi all, back to playing with Garageband, I think the recording is a bit hot and needs better mixing but I'm getting there slowly.  Hope you enjoy. Roscoe or if you prefer Willie, we're one and the same.


Needless to say I don't have much of a life but it was fun for me this morning to figure this out; especially since I've been enjoying your music regardless of the incarnation you're posting as..    !@014      %)!  ('Clean Breaks (different moods)' was an enjoyable intro to 'Willie Wendon', AND 'Alien/is this so alien', Willie's collab with orh was AMAZING!! [I'm going to have to bump that thread because I REALLY like that collab!!]

Again, really enjoyed 'Two Timing Again'.  The quality of the recording and the sheer talent in the performance is an inspiring goal for me to aspire to!  (In fact I can't count the number of amazing artists we have posting here!!)

As you've said:
Quote from: The Castrati Brothers on April 30, 2014, 04:30:20 AM...I must catch up with my listening.

I'll be checking your music out!  Please keep jamming!!


Oh boy, at least one of us knows who's posting what. Actually it's simpler than that, I first joined SC as Willie but something a member said annoyed me and I cancelled my membership, it wasn't about my music which is there to be critiqued but something I found incredibly patronising. Anyway, 64 persuaded me that perhaps I was being a little silly so I rejoined as Roscoe but I had to lose all the songs that had been posted as Willie. The members on here soon rumbled my little ruse and I posted for a long while as Roscoe. The Castrati Brothers are a collection of musicians that live solely in my head, a bit weird but I find that as a band we don't argue or have personality/ego issues and at the end of a session I don't have to carry the drummers kit out.
I hope that makes sense but if not feel free to pm me.
Finally thank you so much for listening to my music whoever I am. Willie/Roscoe/The Castrati Brothers
Boss BR-800


Good to hear you cranking them out again Bravo Brother
Life is not about the number of Breathes you take, it is the amount of times your breathe is taken away


Another good tune Willie... flows lovely and as ever those lovely lead tones creep up and take a hold... nice.

iPad GarageBand


That guitar intro is straight out of 1972, and it blends with more modern sounds really well. Something about the chorus really impresses me – it's just confident bit of songwriting that works. First of all, it sounds like the chorus begins on the same chord as the last chord of the verse. I'm too insecure of a songwriter to ever do that. Secondly, it kind of holds the listener very indifferently – not a chorus with big-fat hook that begs the listener to love the song. It suits the topic of the song so well, like someone calmly confronting their partner with a heavy heart, resigned to hear just about any reply: The truth, a lie, an evasion, a confession.

Quote from: The Gobi Desert Canoe Club on September 03, 2019, 01:35:26 PMFinally thank you so much for listening to my music whoever I am. Willie/Roscoe/The Castrati Brothers

It's the Rosetta Stone of The Gobi Desert Canoe Club account names! I'm glad I discovered this (although you did partially clarify this to me not long ago.)

Blackout Bump - week of 2 September, 2019
Boss Micro BR
GarageBand for Mac