Anybody know if there's a BOSS multi-FX stompbox that has BR1600 sounds in it?

Started by Super 8, December 02, 2018, 02:57:41 AM

Super 8

I've been using a BR1600 for the longest time but just fancy a change so I've been experimenting with a, again standalone, Yamaha unit. There's pro's & con's for each (I'm definitely liking the extra track count available on the Yammy!) but the biggest con I'm finding with this Yamaha machine is the built-in electric guitar sounds. (NB: I have to record my electric guitar parts DI this end due to neighbour issues!) Basically I'm missing the built-in sounds I gett from the Boss (and a number of tweaked presets in particular!) So my question here is:

Does anybody know if there is a separate BOSS unit (multi FX stomp box?) that will give me these preset sounds I regularly used when recording with the BR1600?

If there is then I would imagine I'd be looking at the second hand market because, what? The discontinued BR1600 must be getting on for about 15 years old now so I imagine I would need to source an external guitar FX unit from the period the BR1600 was on the market in the hope that it has similar sounds in it (ideallly just the same!) Can anyone help me out here? PS: I'm currently road-testing one of those (older) POD 2.0 things but, so far, I'm not finding the 'right' sounds with it.     


AFAIK the Boss GT range of pedals use the same effects as the BR recorders.

Super 8

Super 8

So, leading on from that, my next question is: Does anyone know which BOSS GT unit would closely resemble the preset effects built into the BR1600? I've had a look at what's available and ... there's LOADS of units in the GT range. Does anyone know which units were around at the time the BR1600 was launched on the market? I would imagine the effects in these units (ie: from that era) would be the closest match.

Super 8

OK, by process of elimination (year of release) I THINK I've narrowed it down to ... a GT-6  ;)


I would say GT-Pro, maybe GT-8...I don't know the exact answer, sorry, but I suggest you to give a look at VGuitar forum. They are very friendly, and there's a lot of info about EVERY Boss GT unit, since the oldest models (manuals, patch lists, comments, videos, advices etc. etc.)


Boss BR-600
Boss BR-800
Tascam DP-24
Logic Pro
Adobe Audition


I have the Boss BR900CD and it says that it uses the same Boss COSM effects as the GT series pedals.

Flash Harry

I have the GT-8, It has a lot of what I know and love about the Boss effects, but much much more. They are built like a tank too, so great for gigging.

I got mine second hand off eBay, ~£80 I think.

We are here on Earth to fart around. Don't let anybody tell you any different
- Kurt Vonnegut.

Flash Harry

We are here on Earth to fart around. Don't let anybody tell you any different
- Kurt Vonnegut.