What a BR is capable of

Started by Pine, May 16, 2009, 07:30:24 PM


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I just have to post this because when i heard this song, i ordered my BR1200. This song was done at home with a BR1180. No software. Onboard mastering. Paul Killington plays all guitars and bass and used the onboard drums. Paul does all the engineering. Maria Daines wrote the lyrics, a protest against primate research. Maria also does the vox. Listen to the very, very end (there is a false ending) to hear some GREAT drum programming. These guys are my home recording heroes. I've even written to Roland to suggest they hire them to do trade shows and demonstrate BR's. I'm sorry i can't put up the MP3...i don't have it...so here is a link to the song at Soundclick. Next time someone says you need a Neuman mic to sound good or software to master properly, send them here....
Boss BR-1200


That is very impressive. What did the BR1200 cost you?
Just a roadie again.....


well, i got it from Musician's friend...on sale...during a big rebate offer from Roland...i think the end price was like $750. It arrived in a box that looked like it had been dragged behind a forklift from one end of the factory to the other...then thrown off the roof. I refused to even open it and returned it along with a letter to the shipping director. I received a new one...well packed and in pristine condition. What they were thinking, i don't know. MF shipping dept has been going downhill the last couple years...
Boss BR-1200


That is a very good song. I don't usually give much importance to the lyrics but these lyrics are very powerful and intense.

The sound is perfect and the drum programming is amazing!

The BR-1180CD is not sold anymore but it sounds great.


Thanks Pedro...i thought you would appreciate it. Paul says he always wanted to be a drummer when he was a kid but his folks wouldn't have it! Does quite well with his Les Paul though....he also says all the buttons on his 1180 are starting to fall off and that other gliches are arising...not a big surprise considering they have done about 200 original songs on it! I already told my wife to give him my 1200 if i kick the bucket..
Boss BR-1200


You are right Pinedog, this is impressive.  Great song, great production.  It is good to hear examples like this, it shows us what is possible with our little machines.  We really have complete studios in our possession.  This is basically why I got the BR-1200, I have been using a microBR, and I love it to death, but I want to make complex, full songs and it is a bit friggy on the micro.  You can do a lot with the micro, a good recent example is the excellent post from AndyR (If we should sing together), but it is friggy with all the menus and only having 4 tracks, you end up bouncing and bouncing and bouncing.  The potential of the BR-1200 is huge, and with this post Pinedog, you have just shown me that the sky is the limit with these devices, thanks.

Alternate Tunings: CAUTION: your fingers have to be in different places
Boss Micro BR
Boss BR-80
Boss BR-1200
iPad GarageBand


Your welcome , BB. That's why i posted it. I will never have the talent they have  but that isn't the point. It's inspiring to me to just see the potential of these units. I have been in and out of other web home recording groups and often, there is a huge emphasis on the need for more and more gear. Not needed with a BR. Time, patience, creative energy, experimentation, and folks like the ones here to help you over the hurdles is all we really need. I find that very inspiring!
Boss BR-1200


PDG - That's a very passionate song. And what a voice - powerful to say the least.

PDG & BB - I concur with what you both say about these machines, I too have the 1200. It really is everything you're gonna need -  I mean, what else do you add?
The danger with more and more tracks, is the very real, tempting, and wholly human desire of 'Because-it's-there,-let's fill-it-up'. How many tracks do one Guy or Gal and a guitar need to put their message across? Unless you're gonna mike-up a small orchestra, then probably the 8-inputs on the BR1600 is the most anyone will ever need. Mick Jagger once said that the best 'live' albums are recorded with 3 microphones 6 rows back in the audience; so just imagine what we have to play with owning the 1200!!  ;)
Boss BR-1200
Cakewalk SONAR



Boss BR-80
Boss Micro BR
OsCKilO websites:  weebly.com  MySpace  SoundClick  ReverbNation
OsCKilO Albums:  "Masks"  "Easy London"

Also on Twitter for Live stuff..
Divert and sublimate your anger and potentially virulent emotions to creative energy


Just a top rock,in vox amd really top production on this track.
Boss BR-80