The Talent Pedal

Started by Farrell Jackson, August 12, 2018, 08:53:40 AM

Farrell Jackson

LANDR-01 The Talent Pedal w-Alain drums Aud shorter 2024 Balanced-Medium-192 REV_V1
Update: The Zoom drums have been replaced with real drums by my friend, Alain Levesque.

Hi all ! It's been a while since I've done a complete solo effort (no collaboration) on a song. I just finished this one called The Talent Pedal. Sometimes I like to interject some humor in my songwriting. This is one of those times, lol. The song is a rocker or maybe leans to the Southern Rock side a little. This is the first time I've used my 1976 LP as the only guitar for a recording. The amp is a Behringer Vintager GM110 modified with a 12" speaker. So I guess it's a GM112 now, lol.  Mic'ed with an SM57. The bass is a Fender Squire Jazz  through a Sans Amp GT2 pedal direct and the drums are by Zoom.

It felt good to get something done in the studio, all by my lonesome and to do some real mixing and production.



The Talent Pedal

I was a regular guitar player
But I wasn't happy with that
Like most players on a constant search
For knock 'em dead talent and tone
I bought all the latest and greatest effects
All guaranteed to get me there
No matter what I tried to no avail
It just led to more and more despair

I found myself on the shady side of town
With winos, strip clubs and pawnshops
I was guided by an unknown hand
"Crossroads" played in the distance
I followed the sound right through a doorway
Of a dusty, musty, sleazy place
It was called "Things Fallen from Grace"
Don't know why, I felt at ease in this space

As I looked through discarded things
The feeling of destiny grew stronger
All of a sudden, I saw it in the corner
A little box glowing in wonder
There's was no need to try it out
I knew it was made to order
I had to have it no matter the cost
So, I held out a hundred and said "I'll take it"

The old man grinned and asked if I was sure
"Yes, exactly what I'm looking for
So, he handed it over and said "no returns"
I nodded in agreement and flew out the door
Back at home I examined my treasure
It had an in and out jack and a footswitch
I opened the back to check the battery
All I found was a written note that read:

(Chr) You've got The Talent Pedal
Put the pedal to the metal
Become a guitar virtuoso
One push and you're a super star, just listen

(Bad guitar solo, lol)

What!? Had I been jipped, fallen for a lie?
I need to give it another try
So, I fired it back up, every day for month
Put the pedal to the metal, no time for lunch
I could feel the energy build in my mind, my fingers begin to tingle
All of a sudden toneful riffs were filling the room with all kinds of soulful jingles
Is this really me? How could this be? It was way beyond belief.
One step on this box, I went from zero to a guitar hero!

(Chr) I've got The Talent Pedal
Put the pedal to the metal
Become a guitar virtuoso

I've got The Talent Pedal
Put the pedal to the metal
One push and you're a super star

( good solo with outro fade)

Farrell Jackson © 04-27-18

Tascam DP-32
Fostex VF-160

Farrell Jackson

Rayon Vert

Test, test, one, two, this mic on?

Great bit of writing Farrell, very humerous but so true, we'd all like one of those pedals.    Willie
Boss BR-800

Flash Harry

Amazing - where to start?

Play - superb, I love it when that talent pedal kicks in, it's perfect

Write - great construction, I really enjoyed the way it shifts key and wanders through the story, superb

Lyric - very good story, well told funny and engaging.

I loved this whole thing - and you did by yourself which is what I love about it the most.

Super Stuff Farrell.
We are here on Earth to fart around. Don't let anybody tell you any different
- Kurt Vonnegut.


Great song "against" GAS :)

Liked this a lot. Superb playing and singing! Harmonies are amazing on this and loved the riffs - very captivating. My toe is tapping on the floor...

Well done, Farrell!

Korg Sound on Sound
Redler & Co   
Boss BR-80
Boss Micro BR

kenny mac

Excellent work,the tone of the guitar is pure les paul.
Great story telling as well.
Its got everything.
Well done.


Your "bad" solo is something I wish I could do! Need me one of those pedals!

Great tune Farrell, you seriously have the goods. Love the humour, everything about the song.

I think the days of being a guitar hero are in the past now, all I hear about these days is about gaming and phones!
Btw. , I used to have one of those amps years ago and they are hard to find now. I liked them better than the Tech 21 Trademark 30 they were copying.

Loved your song. 👍👍
"...a guitar sound that you could curdle cream with." Ferryman


whit goes oan in ma heid






"In order to compose, all you need to do is remember a tune that nobody else has thought of."
- Robert Schumann


 ;D ;D

Great idea for a song... i think it says it all for a lot of axe heroes!! A great little tune with some nice key changes and crucially... some nifty guitar in there!!

iPad GarageBand


You are a superstar Farrell great track
If Life is a dream then use your imagination

Jean Pierre

Quote(Bad guitar solo, lol)
.............. ;D ;D ;D good joke....but nevertheless very fine

I like the song tonality progression

vraiment superbe mixage
I don't know half of you half as well as I should like, and I like less than half of you half as well as you deserve.
The Lord of the Rings speech by Bilbo