Cooling Down (remix) by Oldrottenhead my 23000th post.

Started by Oldrottenhead, June 11, 2018, 01:23:31 AM


Cooling Down (re-mix)
I started this one the other day.

I wanted to redo the vocals because they where recorded in a noisy environment. so i removed vocals and kept the garage band drums, the drumjam Kanjira and the two telecaster parts.

i then added two acoustic tracks on my jasmine and the bass guitar track using my epiphone bass.

that was down yesterday morning. i then went out with the good lady for some lunch and a few beers.

Back home at teatime a bit worse for wear, i got the br800 out and redid the vocals. One low and one high then staggered off to an early bed.

this morning my youngest was off on a school trip to New York so i was up at 5am to take her and her friends to glasgow airport.

back from airport Mrs in bed house to myself at 6am, i dug out the br800 to do the vocals, yes i had forgotten i had recorded them the night before.

so i started to mix and ended up bringing back the two original vocals as backing vocals with the reverb ramped up high.

finally i dug out the juno di and added three stereo tracks from that and this came out the other end.

it is what it is,

The clouds crashed in the sky
They struck like dynamite
The rain came pouring down
Bounced right back off the ground
Just yonder smiled the sun
Hey I won't be gone for long
You all needed cooling down
It's always calm before a storm
The rain made so much noise
Threw hailstones to avoid
Like needles on our skin
Everybody get back in
Just yonder smiled the sun
Hey I won't be gone for long
You all needed cooling down
It's always calm before a storm
Threw my blankets to the ground
Couldn't sleep was way too warm
Praise the rain and praise the storm
We all needed cooling down
Cooling Down (remix)
HB Telecaster
Garageband Drums
Kanjira in DrumJam
Jasmine acoustic guitar
Epiphone Bass
Juno Di
Vocals recorded dry via br800 onboard mics
whit goes oan in ma heid






"In order to compose, all you need to do is remember a tune that nobody else has thought of."
- Robert Schumann


Well, first of all, congratulations on your 23k my friend. Amazing! You're the DNA and essence of this place, and it's been an honour to know, write with, perform with, and meet you. What a journey!

Really like the arrangement on this. The addition of bass to your songs has been a big leap forward, and this is another lovely bass line. Works so well with the dreamy synths and the twin jangle of the guitars. Seemed to fade out too quickly as I was really into the hypnotic groove of it.


Diego Ayala

yes, love the remix ~ and wow, 23,000th post !@#$%^& = inspiring.  NOTE: Not sure if anyone else having problems with downloads ~ i have downloaded mp3 several times but it will not let me open file - it shows 5.14 megs as mp3 file --- the 1st mix worked perfect, so not sure if there's a glitch with this one ~ abrazos...


I somehow missed the original but really enjoyed this version. Very atmospheric, which is appropriate given the subject matter. A great arrangement which fist so well around the vocals, which are always the centrepiece of your music. The high and low vox work really well and considering you seem to have been rushing around a lot, it doesn't show in this piece. It all hangs together really well.

23,000 posts? Wow, you are a legend (but I think we all know that!).


I'm still liking the atmosphere of this. New bass addition is amazing and captivating, puts this to another level!

Well done, James!

Korg Sound on Sound
Redler & Co   
Boss BR-80
Boss Micro BR


Yes congrats on that milestone, prolific is the word !!
On the tune, rhythmic and hypnotic and it sounds like ORH which is a complacent,  excellent stuff!!
Boss BR-80


My congrats as well.
This is very different from you. I definitely like it, and as said, the bass addition is great.
Here's to 23000 more! 🍺🍺
"...a guitar sound that you could curdle cream with." Ferryman