Boss Stereo Mic...

Started by Yuri, May 11, 2009, 05:18:49 PM


Hi Folks

I bought one of those little stereo microphones for the MBR yesterday (see:  It's quite fantastic - I got great sounds from steel and nylon strings - better I think than the onboard mic.

You plug the unit into the Line In socket and select the EXT input mode (you also need to activate Plug In Power).  I am a bit perplexed as to the effects suite though - unlike effects for the onboard mic, guitar input etc, these effects seem to have very little effect on the sound.  Turning the effects on or off DOES have a noticeable effect, but moving from one effect to another does not.  Anyone got any ideas?

Also the mic comes with a small rubber/silicon stopper - I dunno what that is for and I can't see an explanation anywhere.  Appreciate some advice.

Cheers, Chris.
Crazed & Donfused...


When you select the external mic input, the patch bank defaults to EX (External) which contains the same preset patches as the LN (Line Input) and MT (Mastering Tool Kit) patch banks. But you're free to switch to the MC (Mic) or GT (Guitar) banks to access those patches. Just press the CURSOR LEFT button to place the cursor on "EX" at the top-left of the display. Then press the VALUE -/+ buttons to change it.

QuoteAlso the mic comes with a small rubber/silicon stopper - I dunno what that is for and I can't see an explanation anywhere.  Appreciate some advice.

It's called a "Ring Stopper" and I believe it's meant to fit the mic more securely against the side of the Micro BR so that it won't wobble around too much and potentially damage the Micro BR's mic jack. See the manual:

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"When one person suffers from a delusion it is called insanity. When many people suffer from a delusion it is called religion." - Robert M. Pirsig


Hi 64 Guitars

Thanks - very useful info - I didn't realise that about the effects - tried it last night and...superb!  Got some great results.

Crazed & Donfused...


I'm looking at the options for a stereo mic.

Looking at the Sony ECM-MS907 and the BA-CS10.

Is it possible you could post some comparisons recordings with the built in mic and the BA-CS10? It is so new there don't appear to be any reviews.

Does it reduce the battery life significantly?



Would be great with a comparisons between the two, but as far as I know no-one here has both !! ????  ? ??!? ?! ???! anyone?
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Oh well ........


Like 64 says: 'the patch bank defaults to EX (External) which contains the same preset patches as the LN (Line Input) and MT (Mastering Tool Kit) patch banks. But you're free to switch to the MC (Mic) or GT (Guitar) banks to access those patches'

Just wanted to point out that the M-BR will record in stereo only when the MSTR TOOL KIT algorithm is in use.  So, if you are using the MC (MIC) bank then only patches 03,04 and 11 are stereo capable. These patches are associated with the MSTR TOOL KIT.  All other patches in the MC bank are associated with the VOCAL MULTI algorithm.   
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Boss Micro BR
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But I swear, I used to absolutely excel at being young and stupid.