Bish Bash Bosh - a chappers original

Started by chapperz66, October 02, 2017, 09:10:39 AM

Top notch Paul, you may not post very often but when you do they are always a superb listen.  Willie
Boss BR-800


last chap bump of the day...this is so much like "7th Key's" stuff....that is a band with Billy Greer (his other band beside Kansas)(....they are really great...
I am listening down a bit through the Z mans list and they just go one after the other...One of the things I love about the band Kansas is their "instrumentals" within a song...
and Paul's music has a touch of that sort of vein...
those arrangements and progresssions just blow my mind...wellllllllllllllllll    donnnnnnnneeeeeeee
Boss BR-1600
Zoom R24
         you can call me anything you like.  Just don't call me late for dinner


Thanks for the bump Stephen.  My old mate Nick Coward aka Pipes added a vocal to this which took it to another level. This is it:

For those that don't know, Nick and I grew up living less than half a mile from each other in Edmonton, North London and were in bands together from a young age.
