Combining Tracks

Started by macheted01, May 08, 2009, 08:54:54 PM

Hey Guys,
I tried to search around and find some answers, but am a little unclear. I've been working on recording some cover tunes and need a little help. I have recorded the drums on TR1. The rhythm guitar on TR2. Vocals on TR3 and lead guitar on TR4. I am pretty happy with TR1 and TR2 so I would like to combine the two to free up a track for bass guitar. Im guessing this is where the bouncing comes in, but did not have much luck. Any help on combing the two would be great.



So are these the Micro drums or external drums? If they're the Micro drums, you don't need to record them. You just make an arrangement and technically they always play along with the song as if they're the fifth and and sixth track (since they're stereo.) That would free up Track 1.

That aside, if you still want to mix track 1 and 2 down to mono:
  • Press the Rhythm button.
  • Press the TR 1 button to turn the Rhythm off.
  • Press the EXIT and UTILITY button at the same time. At the top left the word BOUNCE will appear.
  • Press the TR 1 button.
  • Cursor > until you see Track Reverb.
  • Press the TR 1 button.
  • Press the Value - button until you get to zero. (This removes reverb for bounce)
  • Press the TR 2 button.
  • Press the Value - button until you get to zero. (This removes reverb for bounce)
  • Cursor > until you see the V-Tracks
  • Press the TR 3 button
  • Press the Value + button to V2 (This removes it from the mix)
  • Press the TR 4 button
  • Press the Value + button to V2 (This removes it from the mix)
  • Cursor < until you see Track Level
  • Press TR 1.
  • Press the Play button.
  • Press Value + or - to adjust track volume for the mix.
  • Press TR 2.
  • Press Value + or - to adjust track volume for the mix.
  • Press the Rewind button and the Stop button at the same time. (This rewinds the song to zero.)
  • Press the EXIT button.
  • Cursor > to the first 2 under 12V2.
  • Press the Value - button until 12V2 changes to 1V2 (This switches the bounce mode from stereo to mono. It will bounce tracks 1 and 2 to track 1V2.
  • Press the Record button and then the Play button.
  • Let the song roll completely though.

This is laid out step-by-step so it seems a long process, but it will get to be second nature after you've done it a few times. I prefer to bounce the tracks without reverb since they start to sound muddy if you you run them through reverb again in the final mix.

When your bounce is complete, you'll want to add reverb back to your tracks and reset the volume levels. It's best to keep your original TR1V1 and TR2V1 in case you decide you don't like the mix or decide to bounce all four tracks to stereo.


Hey, thanks alot. At first, when finishing the steps, I exited out of bounce mode and went to play my tracks back and the vocal and lead guitar were gone. It took me a minute and was able to get them back. In any case track 4 is available for bass now. Not really quite understanding why some things do what they do on this machine, but as you said the more you do it it will become second nature. I will definately have to keep some notes on the how to do for some of these steps. This thing is just unreal. Thanks again.

Oh, by the way. The drum tracks used on TR1 are external drums. I have not even attempted to try to use the Micro drums. Would like to get the rest of this machine figured out first. Or, if I loose the drummer that conveniently comes over to lay the drum track down for me.