Cross rhythms

Started by bruno, November 20, 2016, 08:09:47 AM


Thanks all for the kind comments. Apologies, I have been quiet commenting of late - life gets in the way sometimes - busy, busy, busy!

Quote from: Redler on November 22, 2016, 06:11:35 AMSweet tones...I suppose you used Kemper on this!
Yip - bass and guitar all Kemper - I'm ashamed to say that I haven't fired up my amps for probably 2 years - hope they still work!

Quote from: Hook on November 22, 2016, 07:02:09 AMI so dig those harmonized riffs and you ping pongy effects are really cool. & that bass and those pops...fretless?
Hey brother - bought one of those Amazon Dot's (amazing) - was listening to early queen, though I'd try and replicate Brian. 3 tracks all played - however ended up sounding like a harmoniser pedal - so a little bit disappointed - and nowhere close to Brian - oh well. It was the fretted bass, btw - doing the funky thing of hitting with the thumb and pulling the string - kinda fun.

Quote from: Blooby on November 22, 2016, 08:20:44 AMNice jamming with very cool sounds.
Guilty as charged. Never quite sure where the line between a organic planned piece and a jam really is :-) I kinda like it to be spur of the moment, and its usually the cock ups that end up sounding most interesting in the long run - but hard to find the balance between preplanned and played versus a bit of improv jamming :-)

Boss BR-1600


Sweet ... this sounds great.
Boss BR-800

kenny mac

That keeper is the Biz. ....and so are you mate.
Excellent tone in your playing ,Bravo.


I like the arrangement.  You hit some sweet guitar licks too.
Let it be known, there is a fountain, that was not made, by the hands of men.


Woah, I particularly like that tremolo backing guitar tone. My ears pricked up every time it appeared.
Also that harmonized synth sounding line tied the whole room together.
I dig it.
Warmest regards,

Captain Jimbo

"Semper in excretia sumus solum profundum variat"