I'm Just Part of it All - - - with Kenny Mac

Started by Kenneth, July 14, 2016, 05:11:52 PM

kenny mac

    I'm just part of it all
Silence breaks the night sky as the neon lights project
Everybody's running from the plan of what is next
The shadow of the future and the fear of what could be
I'm just chilling out it doesn't bother me
Love is the answer
I'm just part of it all
Climbing walls
I'm just part of it all
In this spinning ball
I'm just part of it all
I see it fall
And loving calls
Fear can cast a shadow and create a wall
Peoples minds collapse under the weight of it all
Love can generate the powe to knock it down
Gather all your friends lets turn this place around
Loves the answer
Climbing walls
I'm just part of it all
In this spinning ball
I'm just part of it all
I see it fall
I'm just part of it all
And loving calls
limbing walls
I'm just part of it all
In this spinning ball
I'm just part of it all
I see it fall
I'm just part of it all
And loving calls

I'm just part of it all.



Wicked tune guys - Sounds like the Kenneth I know pretty sure :) Love it
"Now where did I put my stream of thought. But hey, fc*K it!!!!!!! -Mokbul"
Boss Micro BR

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