Drum Arrangements

Started by Jim2711, April 22, 2009, 08:32:20 AM


Sorry, Jim2711, they are not the same.  It was my mistake.  The principles are the same but you have to read the Micro BR manual to see the actual controls to option.  My apologies.


Thanks Tony, and everyone else who has replied. I have checked out all the replies plus lots of replies to other peoples posts asking similar questions and copied and saved into MS Word the different responses thus creating my own Drum Arrangement guide, now I'm gonna go and sit down with my guide and MBR and try and make sence of it all. Wish me luck. Thanks to all Jim2711.


Similar to what's been mentioned, I've found what's most effective for me is:

1) Plug in your instrument. Press the Input button and then both the Guitar and Mic button.

2) In the Pattern mode, pick out a V1 pattern you want to be the basis for your song while singing and playing along.

3) Choose a kit.

4) In the Arrangement mode start with the metronome, add an intro at measure 3 and add v1 at measure 5.

5) Lay down a reference vocal and basic instrument track for the song.

6) Now arrange the rhythm patterns as you like.

7) Add a Break at the end.

8) Add other tracks and replace the scrub track with your real vocal and instrument.

Initially I was trying to make the arrangement first, sing along and correct it, but this was taking hours. The method above had cut that time down to minutes.

henry b

And an other thanks from me for your time and patience  :)


I have just exported to MP3 a instrumental with 2 tracks guitar (1 clean + 1 distortion) and a drum arrangement with a (intro,verse,chorus,verse,chorus,verse,chorus,end,break).  Excellent!!! Wasnt to hard once I followed all the advice you guy's gave me. Will try a few other tunes and arrangements tomorrow to really get the hang of it.

Many thanks again from Jim2711. ;D