Some thoughts on performing

Started by Johnny Robbo, February 01, 2016, 04:03:49 AM

Johnny Robbo

WOW! This has been a revelation! I thought I was unusual in my outlook, but it seems not given the response here.

Hook, I hear what you say & I have to admit that in an ideal world I would be doing the same as you – playing music to earn a living, as opposed to teaching it. The problem I have is that where I live, this is just not an option. For example... Looking back at some of my old diaries from the early '90s, a typical Saturday night gig used to pay £300-£400 for the band I was in (a 4 piece covers outfit). The last band I was in, back in 2013, used to go out for around £100-£150 on a Saturday night (again a 4-way split). Similar band, similar (and in some cases, the exact same) venues. Add to that the agency fees which when I started gigging in the '80s were around 15% (inc VAT) which are now more like 25% (plus VAT). Getting into the social clubs (which tend to pay the higher rates) means you have to work through an agent – they simply won't book anyone who doesn't have representation: essentially they outsource their entertainment budget to an agency.

What this means is that if you want to earn a professional income from gigging, you have to be prepared to be in Edinburgh one night, and Eastbourne the next playing in one of the big touring function/tribute bands. Most of these are based in & around London or the more affluent areas of the country – all a long way from me. I have a settled family life and don't want to re-locate on the off-chance there'd be work for me if I did.

I started to see the trend in the late 1990s of gig money going down and gigs becoming less & less frequent, so decided to concentrate on the tuition side of what I was doing. I count myself lucky that I can pay the bills from my tuition work, and get my musical "rocks off" participating in sites like this one. As I said, in an ideal world, I'd be out gigging with a pro band & making a good living (heck... even a modest living would do!) but to illustrate my point here's a joke I heard recently which sums up the live music scene in my part of the UK:

Q: What did the guitarist do when he won the lottery?

A: He kept on gigging until the money ran out  ;D


Cakewalk SONAR
Adobe Audition

"The English may not like music, but they absolutely love the noise it makes." Sir Thomas Beecham


Really interesting comments all.
I guess I've been lucky having a career outside music - but playing is ingrained in me, its what I do. I guess I'd be making sounds whatever my circumstances, its what I did as a little boy, and its continued all my life.

Re teaching - most classical players make their income from teaching. My violin teacher was an established west end show player (in the pits) - he did loads of shows on a regular basis (I went to see him play in The Beatles Musical stage show). Yet, he and his wife always did loads of teaching. I grew up in that classical community, most of my friends went into classical music, I have friends in the London Symphony Orchestra and the Halle Orchestra - they all teach or have other forms of income. I know of someone who was a top virtuoso pianist who went to sell insurance when the concerts dried up - gut wrenching. I guess my point is that its a hard industry whatever the style of music. People really don't want to go out much these days - and its a shame. Strangely people seem to spend £20 in a coffee shop, and yet not pay £2 to see a local band. Go figure.

That all said, its great when you are in a band, those are your brothers and there is a real bond. If you are in a band, then you have an outlet for yourself musically, and playing a gig makes logical sense. However if people don't want to leave their house, there is nothing you can do - irrespective on how good you are!!! I say thank God for the internet and for Songcrafter's - it gives me (all of us) an outlet for what I love to do. Thank you all who make this site work and those who participate. On this site, we all have the freedom to experiment, do what we all love to do. Collaborations still blow my mind, and this summer gone, I met three other Songcrafter brothers (Hook, Blooby and Lurker) - we played a gig in Ybor City in Tampa, and it was truly awesome. So here's to Songcrafters - I love this little corner of the internet.


Boss BR-1600

Speed Demon

Bruno, I'll come down to Florida and gig with you if you promise to have a lot of soft-shell crabs cooked up and ready to gobble.                                                          


Boss eBand JS-8

Adobe Audition

There is room for all of God's creatures.
Right next to my mashed potatoes.


Quote from: Speed Demon on February 02, 2016, 03:21:34 PMBruno, I'll come down to Florida and gig with you if you promise to have a lot of soft-shell crabs cooked up and ready to gobble.

Haha that rocks - I have to save up hard for my next FL trip :-) 9 hours on the plane still sucks though :-)
Boss BR-1600


Quote from: bruno on February 02, 2016, 03:23:24 PM
Quote from: Speed Demon on February 02, 2016, 03:21:34 PMBruno, I'll come down to Florida and gig with you if you promise to have a lot of soft-shell crabs cooked up and ready to gobble.

Haha that rocks - I have to save up hard for my next FL trip :-) 9 hours on the plane still sucks though :-)

It's a long way for a gig Bruno, I hope they are paying travel expenses . . .
Boss BR-80

comme ci, comme ça


in all my years, i have written songs with no interest in performing them. too shy (shy shy too shy) at the tender age of 51 got together with jemimas kite guys for my 1st ever live performance.

johnno i never learnt the words. cos i wrote the lyrics sang em then ventured forth to the next song.

got together with jk.

which songs shall we do?

a . b , c.

how do they go sez i.

you fuckin wrote them sez jk guys.

but unlike other jk guys, i never did live thing

hence the book of wurdz

i'm a bloody amateur

oh dear
deary deary me bloody amateurs
whit goes oan in ma heid






"In order to compose, all you need to do is remember a tune that nobody else has thought of."
- Robert Schumann

Speed Demon

James, if you ever travel to my part of the world I will drag you, kicking and streaming, onto the stage
and announce to the audience that you are the reincarnation of Trevor Smith and Robert Plant.

This better be good.

Boss eBand JS-8

Adobe Audition

There is room for all of God's creatures.
Right next to my mashed potatoes.