Leigh Harrison - Brokenhearted

Started by leighelse, January 09, 2016, 12:45:35 AM


Leigh Harrison - Brokenhearted 20160909 lo-fo
To help me learn the drum sequencer on my new BR-1600 I pulled out a song I wrote in the late 1970s. I recorded a demo of it on a four track a couple of years later, but I've never made a second attempt at it until now, more than 35 years on.

I've learnt a lot about my BR-1600 while recording this. I'm looking forward to starting on the next one.

14 Jan 2016: Changed the drum kit and the backing vocals.

9 Sep 2016: Backing vocals by Sophie Wham.

Leigh Harrison © APRA 1979
BR drums
six string electric guitars with COSM effects
Bass guitar
MIDI pizzicato strings

You ask me if I'm brokenhearted
I thought you knew that Leos don't have hearts
Except on their sleeves.
You tell me you're sad to be leaving
Uh-huh - I know how hard it must be for you
To leave someone like me

But as you can see I smile through the
    tears I wear to help you bear the pain
Of walking out on a lover like me again
I couldn't have hurt you, you didn't complain

You tell me I'll soon find another
I tell you another will find me
Before you're down the stairs
You hope that I don't find it too hard
Huh! You found it too hard most every night
It's an easy goodbye

You say that I should show more feeling
'Cos you had lots of love to give to me
What's new? So do I
You ask how I keep myself smiling
I just carry a mirror around with me
And a photo of you

And as you can see I cry through the
    smiles I wear to help me bear the pain
Of watching another lover walk out again
You shouldn't have hurt me - it was only a game
Dueling BR1600s. Beats banjos.


Nice one Leigh...
Well written and performed...
A big thumbs up for this.......


Boss BR-800
Boss Micro BR

If I had known i was going to be this thirsty this morning I'd of had another Beer last night...



Brilliant song Leigh, really well put together and the vocals really stand out. Had me tapping my feet and what a great start to the day. Thanks for sharing.


Really excellent Leigh, love the pace changes and the expressive vocals.
 It's a fantastic song, i'd be proud of that one.
Good playing too, and I liked the drum programming alot.
I would love to hear it with a different br drum kit.

"...a guitar sound that you could curdle cream with." Ferryman


Like this Leigh -very pro sounding -- 8) 8) 8)
Great vocals and lyrics-
The drums kinda take over the whole song tho===no problem tho'
Its a class recording..

Boss BR-800
Boss BR-600


Nicely done, you seem to be taking to the 1600 well. Vey interesting song, I dig the quirkiness of your backer, cool stuff.
Rock on!c

Boss BR-80
Boss BR-800
Because the Hook brings you back
I ain't tellin' you no lie
The hook brings you back
On that you can rely

Hi Leigh, good song with great use of the quirky timing. Sounds like you got the drums coming together nicely and do I detect a slight Chrissie Hynde influence in the vocal. Like it a lot.    Willie
Boss BR-800


Nice to hear some music from you Leigh!!

Real good riffs and catchy vocal melodies! I remember(?) that you said earlier you're not singer but songwriter, but you're a fantastic singer!!

This is from the 70's...that's interesting! Listened to the original, too. Your song deserved to be recorded on "today's" sounds and recorder.

I like this a lot! Thanks for sharing!

Korg Sound on Sound
Redler & Co   
Boss BR-80
Boss Micro BR

Farrell Jackson

Good song and performance Leigh! I agree with Willie on the Chrissie Hynde vocal influence. Whether accidental or intentional it fits the song well, plus I've always liked her style. I love that you've resurrected a 35 year old song.

Sounds to me like you've got the BR-1600 drum sequencer down well. One point...the drums sound good but struck me as a tad loud in the beginning but not a big deal because I got used to them as the song went on.

Well done!

Tascam DP-32
Fostex VF-160

Farrell Jackson

Rayon Vert

Test, test, one, two, three.....is this mic on?


sounds great leigh like the sound you've got on the drums looks like you've sussed it out,  nice song like it ,,,,,,,tonyc
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