Spread a little Christmas Love

Started by thetworegs, December 18, 2015, 04:23:49 AM


YuleFest (banner image missing)

The old hippie in me has tried to write a Christmas peace song ....I had a couple of hours today with Seb at pre-school so i just got on with it...i think the sentiment is there but the verses do need a polish but hey! ive ran out of time so this is what it is folks....Merry Christmas....Peace & Love......

D FSharp G X3 G D GD (Verse) Chorus B FSharp x3 G D G D
A man sits watching the waves
Trying to remember a life he once had
Now all is lost to memory and time
As he reaches out inside his mind to touch a hand thats no longer there
he hears the screams of death in his desperate time

Nobody wants to help, nobody feels his need
All they see is a foreigner, on his knees
The media tells us this mans a threat
Making us blind to. this human with an obvious need

It's time to see though the varnish into the truth
It's time to understand the word compassion
It's time to walk in someone else's shoes
It's time to spread a little Christmas love
what we need this Christmas is peace and love

A man pushes the knife into the chest
with hate filling his heart and mind
he doesn't know the mans name , only his religion
The troubled times strangle the truth, till hate fills all our minds
and war becomes the only decision
it's time to put it right, it's time to let it go
This Christmas time is not the place

It's time to see though the varnish into the truth
It's time to understand the word compassion
It's time to walk in someone else's shoes
It's time to spread a little Christmas love
what we need this Christmas time is peace and love


A man wakes in a hospital bed without a hand to touch his brow
his legs are gone he can no longer walk
his wife and children are by his bed side
Holding back the tears they all want to cry
and the question hangs in the air, why

The minister gives his report of the days events
as the news cameras start to wurr
but not a single person who hears really believes a word

It's time to see though the varnish into the truth
It's time to understand the word compassion
It's time to walk in someone else's shoes
It's time to spread a little Christmas love
what we need this Christmas time is peace and love
Spread a little Christmas Love
Words & Music Reg
If Life is a dream then use your imagination

andy casson

Nicely done Reg, with some thought provoking lyrics, loved it!


Listened to this earlier but didn't have time to post..
So well written and performed Trev..
and so very true.
I'm glad you still have the old hippie in you....
well done and a Merry Christmas to you....


%)! %)! %)!

Boss BR-800
Boss Micro BR

If I had known i was going to be this thirsty this morning I'd of had another Beer last night...



Brilliant song! Your voice and piano works well together! Really good vocal interpretation!

Merry Christmas to you, too!
Korg Sound on Sound
Redler & Co   
Boss BR-80
Boss Micro BR

Johnny Robbo

Great song, Trev. Doesn't sound like it needs any polishing to me... great lyric & your vocal is (as always) fantastic!
Cakewalk SONAR
Adobe Audition

"The English may not like music, but they absolutely love the noise it makes." Sir Thomas Beecham

http://www.jrguitar.co.uk http://johnrobsonmusic.co.uk


Loving the last several posts from you.



This is very sentimental touchy , and beautiful . but sometimes
we must do songs like this to tell the world . about peace and love
not violence and hate. thanks so much for this beauty OTD BUMP
NEIL !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Boss BR-80
Boss BR-800
Because the Hook brings you back
I ain't tellin' you no lie
The hook brings you back
On that you can rely


You've captured something real in this song. And while it's a "Christmas" song, this a reality we need every day of the year.

I do like the vocals: your voice has a useful range and carries the song well. I write in my head, and often create things I can neither sing nor play. When this motivates me to improve my singing and playing it can be a good thing, but sometimes I long for an easier life.

Thank you for sharing this. I hope you enjoy a Happy Christmas.

By the way, is it Trev or Reg?
Dueling BR1600s. Beats banjos.


The adjectives...

Passion, feeling...emotion come to mind..

Very well done Sir..