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Tax Day Rant

Started by launched, April 15, 2009, 01:02:25 PM


I swear i commented on this! OTD Bump!

It`s about that time for me. They squeeze me all year just to take my shirt in one big sum.
Boss BR-80

Farrell Jackson

First off, this is an excellent and creative song posted up by Mark on 04/15/2009!

Now for my tax day rant: I wrote 5 checks yesterday.  1. accountant tax prep., 2. the United States Treasury 2013 income tax, 3. IRS for 2014 est. tax payment, 4. CA. State 2013 income tax, and 5. CA. State 2014 est. tax.  I'm feeling a bit reamed today. I could have purchased a really nice custom guitar or several good guitars with those dollars. It sux when I think about it in those terms! As has been said, the only thing you can count on is death and income tax...................

Tascam DP-32
Fostex VF-160

Farrell Jackson

Rayon Vert

Test, test, one, two, this mic on?

Flash Harry

Ah the land of the fee.

We are here on Earth to fart around. Don't let anybody tell you any different
- Kurt Vonnegut.