You don't care w/ Kenny B Chunk Redlar

Started by thetworegs, December 05, 2015, 06:00:56 PM


You don't care w:Kenny B Chunk Redler
I 've watching and reading the news this last week with interest and i feel they have got it wrong on the fight with IS but then i am only one voice and others have different opinions but i don't know how you can bomb to stop an it all about oil? Are they really worried for our saftey? Do we care about the poor innocent victims in the middle of it all?Do we really care what they do? Are we just too busy with our own life's to care? well i thought i'd put these thoughts to this backer as it feels so care free to me, a lie on the the beach and forget about it all vibe .....anyway i'll let you be the judge...thanks Kenny for putting the backer up for colaboration.....
you don't care what their saying, as long as their not saying it about you
you don't care what their been doing, as long as their not doing it to you
you don't care what they've been feeling as long as you don't feel it too
your world just revolves around you
theres no room in your life but you
your life is like dream it's all about you

The UK has started bombing targets of the so-called Islamic State (IS) in Syria, following a strong vote in favor by Parliament.
The Citizen journalist group said on Twitter that it opposed UK bombing raids.
"We are against the UK strikes on Raqqa. All the world is bombing Raqqa and the UK will not make any change in the situation. If the UK wants to help people then it should accept Syrian refugees and not close the border.
"Just bombing IS in Raqqa from the sky will not defeat IS, but it will make people suffer more. IS will use the UK strikes to recruit new people in the West and new fighters and maybe they will carry out terrorist attacks.
"In the end nobody will liberate Raqqa except the people of Raqqa."
you don't care what their saying, as long as their not saying it about you
you don't care what their been doing, as long as their not doing it to you
you don't care what they've been feeling as long as you don't feel it too
your world just revolves around you
theres no room in your life but you
your life is like dream it's all about you

you don't care what their saying, as long as their not saying it about you
you don't care what their been doing, as long as their not doing it to you
you don't care what they've been feeling as long as you don't feel it too
your world just revolves around you
theres no room in your life but you
your life is like dream it's all about you

You don't care
Music Kenny B Chunk Redler Lyrics Reg
If Life is a dream then use your imagination


Magnificent collaboration and well constructed song. very powerful
and well t hought out. nice write up also . marvelous enjoyed
all the way Cheers Neil !


No easy answers I believe. We are but mere musicians, music is our outlet! Great collab guys.
Boss BR-1600

kenny mac

Nice song guys,Your take Reg is totally different from mine and takes it on a different path.


Great collab guys....
great take Trev,  like it....


Boss BR-800
Boss Micro BR

If I had known i was going to be this thirsty this morning I'd of had another Beer last night...


Great vocal additions. Take a bow Thetworegs,

Kenny B

Great take on this Trevor.  Excellent vocal!!!

You make it all come together.

Credit for the backer must go to Chunk for the rhythm and additional synth sounds I think
and also to Kari for the excellent rhythm guitar which fits perfectly. 

Kenny B.
Zoom MRS-1266
Boss Micro BR


Totally different from Kenny's version! Great job both on lyric and singing, Trev! Long live collabs!
Korg Sound on Sound
Redler & Co   
Boss BR-80
Boss Micro BR

Don't know about the politics but i love the song. Great collar.   Willie
Boss BR-800


I'm liking the restrained vocal approach in this song. We all know you can really sell it, but this worked well in this tune. Digging the Floyd/Queensryche megaphone as well.
