Exported as .BR0 (p.100)..how to recover?

Started by Squeaky13, April 10, 2009, 09:00:45 PM

Hey, I exported lots of material like it says to in the "backing up" section of the manual (p. 100), and now I can get the stuff back onto the BR so I can hear it. I drag the Roland folder over to the Micro-BR link like it says, my computer says it's copying the files, I disconnect the BR and no songs/tracks are on it. Anyone know what I'm doing wrong, or what I should do? Lots of ideas I didn't want to lose on the line!!!


Inside the Micro BR card there are two folders: MP3 and ROLAND. ROLAND as the BR0 sub-folder which contain the song folders. The song folders contain the audio and data and are called SONG001.BR0, SONG002.BR0 etc.. You have to make sure you copy these song folders (SONG001.BR0, etc...) from the ROLAND/BR0/ folder on your computer to the same folder on the Micro BR.