"Real" a Hook original for AtmosPhest

Started by Hook, June 12, 2015, 03:51:09 PM


Atmospheric (banner image missing)

I wrote this tune yesterday while thinking about what to do for "R" and it ended up being called "Real" but clearly wasn't an atmospheric piece. It did however remind me of so many times that I have been playing in a bar/restaurant and finished what I thought was a pretty good performance only to end with crickets. That gave me the idea to use an actual atmosphere in a song. This has 2 ( each stereo) tracks of Starbucks atmosphere . I think it realy gives the recording that was done in my sweltering car a sense of being live in a coffee shop where no one cares at all!
 Recorded 2 track simultaneous, 1 direct uke/ 1 built in mic (008), U-bass direct into 008, starbucks recorded with both built in mics.

written & performed by Hook
I'm not sure that I'm stable
and I doubt that I have the ability
I don't think I'm right ever
But one day I just might be

I look and I know
it's not real
I still think
I can touch and feel
I see and I say
And say what I feel
and feel what I think is real

I'm not sure that I'm together
I feel unraveled at the seams
I tend to doubt my reliability
I have no Ways or means

Boss BR-80
Boss BR-800
Because the Hook brings you back
I ain't tellin' you no lie
The hook brings you back
On that you can rely


Great song, Hook. Loved the fingerstyle on the uke, and I can commiserate with the audience crickets (in a limited fashion - I've only ever played a grand total of two open-mikes, and one was crickets afterward ;) ).

You're getting close to the end of the alphabet now. Going to check out your next one...
Boss Micro BR
Boss BR-80
Boss BR-800
Adobe Audition


You do so well with your Alphabet songs Hook...
You are some Ukeist, if thats the right word ;D
Well done.........


Boss BR-800
Boss Micro BR

If I had known i was going to be this thirsty this morning I'd of had another Beer last night...



If you've ever played live, you probably have had this experience. A ying and yang track - the heartfelt and beautiful song and lyrics versus the no response ending. Harsh but a reality. But a great recording, and great song - makes you think.

This kinda reaction is worse if you are playing to a room full of muso's - cos they should know better imo. However, I've lost faith in the UK open mike scene, I want nothing to do with it. It seems to have been hijacked by wanna-be's with over inflated ego's and attention seekers, and not what I consider real musicians (and that's nothing to do with ability or skill, but the simple love of music and playing). I am looking forward greatly to the bunker, folks there were attentive and kind, a lovely place to play  ;D ;D ;D ;D

Boss BR-1600

Flash Harry

I can sympathise. Nothing worse. I've played to one man and his dog in the past - even the dog turned it's back on us.

Well put, played, recorded, produced, everything. And yes, a real atmospheric piece. Bravo!
We are here on Earth to fart around. Don't let anybody tell you any different
- Kurt Vonnegut.


hook, this is the first Atmospheric fest track I have checked out so far, few to go through.... ;)

I liked it, great idea on the Starbucks track, works.

dont you find it equally baffling when you think you have played poorly or the band performance is bad and everyone goes ape in the audience?
Boss BR-800