The Drablow Funeral (based on The Woman In Black by Susan Hill)

Started by bruno, June 09, 2015, 02:49:10 PM


Track 94 - The Drablow Funeral
Inspired by the Woman In Black. With some help from Mazz and Ashley - we had some fun doing this.

Perhaps I should explain. Woman in Black is very popular in the B household. We've seen the stage play a few times in London (it was absoluetly fantastic), the TV films and the modern films (including the one with Daniel Radcliff - which was okay). Mrs B loves the books. Anyway, Mrs B suggested that I should do a piece based on this for the Atmospheric fest - as WIB is probably one of the most atmospheric stories every written. Anyway - mucking about the other day, came up with the riff which I liked, and it felt like a rap.  Put two and two together and wrote the lyrics (which was pretty easy given all the strong imagery in the story). Recorded the whole thing, and asked Ashley to overlay my rap, and Mazz to overlay the chorus. Rapping is quite difficult, as you can easily stumble on your words (which we have done in places) - but wanted to get this out :-)

To be honest, I'm quite proud of the lyrics - my lyrics are normally complete rubbish, but I must have been inspired!!!

Hope you like!


The Drablow Funeral - music and lyrics by Bruno

People they look, people they stare
over crumbling walls, little they care
fear in their eyes, hate in their soul
the man with a shovel, he's digging his hole
sullen and grimey, faces onlook
lives that are broken, the children she took
beware of the frets, the fog and the mist
crying for help but no one calls to the priest

And the chair keeps rockin', backwards and forth
Killing time slowly, the gathering force
The Drablow funeral, an absence of love
Lurking in shadows, a thin black glove.
Menace and hatred, blacker than night
lives in the past, a story to fright
The Drablow funeral, an absence of love
Lurking in shadows, a thin black glove.

The wax it is turning, the story unfolds
the end of the causeway, repeatedly told
the genny is humming, but erie and cold
the lights keep on fading, a misery old
a town in decay, no fight in their blood
a battered old carrage, hidden by mud
nobody cared, when the old woman died
nobody talks of their feelings inside

And the chair keeps rockin', backwards and forth,
Killing time slowly, the gathering force
The Drablow funeral, an absence of love
Lurking in shadows, a thin black glove.
Menace and hatred, blacker than night
lives in the past, a story to fright
The Drablow funeral, an absence of love
Lurking in shadows, a thin black glove.

Madness and vengange, the evil inside
suffering years, the stories, the lies
night after night, for so many years
a lonely existance, with so many fears
the church that is empty of people who cared,
whilst the town it looked on, and the people they stared.
an inocent victim or a price to be paid?
and nobody cared where she finally laid.

Boss BR-1600


I really love it guys, great sound, awesome vocals, totally cool!
Rock On!

Boss BR-80
Boss BR-800
Because the Hook brings you back
I ain't tellin' you no lie
The hook brings you back
On that you can rely

Mike Huntingford

Mike Huntingford



Great tune , and top class vox....


Boss BR-800
Boss Micro BR

If I had known i was going to be this thirsty this morning I'd of had another Beer last night...


Great lyrics Bruno, you should definitely do more and how lovely to be able to do a track with your family.


Boss BR-80

comme ci, comme ça


Glad you posted the lyrics brother, they are first rate!!!
Love it more!
Rock on!

Boss BR-80
Boss BR-800
Because the Hook brings you back
I ain't tellin' you no lie
The hook brings you back
On that you can rely


Ah, that riffing is great and a couple nice transitions.  Nice post.



HI Bruno simply marvelous vocals and Harmonies. wonderful
use of instruments and well constructed very professional sounding
2 thumbs up  keep rocking and sharing NEIL .!


Awesome songwriting and singing! The solo sounds so good! Brilliant!!

Korg Sound on Sound
Redler & Co   
Boss BR-80
Boss Micro BR


Must admit I've only seen the Radcliff film and didn't particularly think a lot of it.  I hear the stage show is spectacular.

Like your song though and the backing vocals deserve a special mention, very nice.

Overdrive - Distortion - Hyperactivity
Yesterdays shatter, tomorrows don't matter