The Drablow Funeral (based on The Woman In Black by Susan Hill)

Started by bruno, June 09, 2015, 02:49:10 PM

Speed Demon

Ominously awesome. Fine vocals and music.

Nice to have the family participate on it.

Well done!

Boss eBand JS-8

Adobe Audition

There is room for all of God's creatures.
Right next to my mashed potatoes.


Boss BR-80
Boss BR-800
iPad GarageBand

Oh well ........

andy casson

Crikey - just fab Mr B and family! I have not seen the stage show but my kids raved about it! Loved it all, great collab fella



Thanks for all the comments. I always appreciate the time and trouble to listen and comment.

If anyone gets the chance to see the stage play (the fortune theatre in London) it is a wonderful play - worth the visit. Much of the imagery in the lyrics comes from the play and the 1988 version that was a TV film. Quite brilliant - and if you enjoy a proper horror story (not a splatter movie, but one with a real creapy story), then watch this. It is miles better than the Radcliff film.

Not that the Radcliff film is bad, I watched it last night - but it doesn't really follow the book that well - including the lack of Alice Drablow's funeral. In the 1988 version, one of the enduring images for me is Arthur listening to the old fashioned cylinder recording of Alice's story story ("the wax is turning" :-) ), and the generator (genny) cutting out. The play is awesome as there are only three actors in it - and the Fortune theatre is supposedly haunted itself, so the perfect setting. :-) Doing this song has re-kindled the interest in the story, I really must book up and see the play again :-)


Boss BR-1600


Boss BR-800


At the fortune theatre watching the brilliant womanm in black. Half time. Worth a bump :-)

*** Update
Morning after the night before :-) Well it was a fantastic play, worth the effort. We got the train into London from Newbury into London Paddington, then across to covent garden to get to the Fortune theatre, where Woman in Black has been running for 25 years I think (actually since 1989 - just looked it up - A very old, atmospheric and haunted (by all accounts) theatre. We managed to have just enough time for a Pizza Express (ace) - and then off to the fortune theatre. The main actors were father and son, and were stunning. I particularly enjoyed the funeral scene, where the Woman in Black is lurking in the dark, extra-ordinarly malevolent - I think I got the lyrics right on this :-) A few members of the audience found it a little too scary and had to leave 1/2 way through the performance. The acting was world class, and the story is a classic ghost story with the right balance of scares and humour - a very british Ghost story, wonderful. Bar the travelling, which was a ball ache, requiring a change at Reading at midnight - a fabulous night bar the bad news about Paris on the way home, which is really quite saddening. Particularly as we as a family were doing what many of those killed in Paris were doing, going out after a week at work for a little entertainment. If any of you get the chance to see the Woman in Black, I thoroughly recommend it.

Boss BR-1600


Boss BR-80


Boss BR-800
Boss Micro BR

If I had known i was going to be this thirsty this morning I'd of had another Beer last night...


man alive...the entire 2015 sampler should be's great.....all of it....and this is the 3rd one this morning so I will have to do others another day...
Love the guitar work here and the clever singing and voices.... Bruno if you read this did you use a metronome when you setting this up or how do you keep your tempo? 
I think if I were trapped on an island and could only have SC music I would be just fine....(I mean obviously I have to eat and have water too)....
Boss BR-1600
Zoom R24
         you can call me anything you like.  Just don't call me late for dinner


sounds cool and superb lyrics , love the rapp , cheers tony cee
Zoom HD16