Sonar LE Problems With The BR-800

Started by Psychonaut, June 02, 2015, 05:36:46 PM


[size=15Hey y'all. I have previously recorded a song on my BR-800 with separate tracks. What I want to do is to USB hook it up to my computer through the Sonar LE program and be able to record only the separate tracks on the BR into separate tracks on Sonar LE. Either that or only record a track at a time into Sonar and then have the tracks sync when I separately record them in. Also I cant figure out how to make my Sonar program start recording when I start playing the tracks with the BR. It all means the same thing. I feel stupid. I've had it a year and haven't gotten beyond this problem. PLEASE HELP! Also, how do you sync the drums from the BR with the clock or drums from the Sonar program. HELP, HELP! Love y'all. Make wonderful music! Peace! playpt][/size]
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