Mr Bud,, "Smarter Man.."

Started by MrBud, May 25, 2015, 08:24:38 PM


Smarter Man
 I am just a beach ball,Don't throw me down the hall..
I am just a bleeder waitin for a fall..
I can see your point here,everybody's right--
Dosent mean we have to stay up and fight all night..
Lookin for a reason,a way to sell it all..
Save your silver dollars till the bank begins to buldge..
Don't divulge your secrets,cause i think they've got a hold..
Said I Am,
I Am,I Am

Lightning cross the beach front,just throws me down the hall,,
But there's ice upon the ceiling,and ice across the floor..

I will find this place to go,,on a steamy shore..
Just lying there to contemplate why i'd waited so long...

Lookin for a reason,a way to sell it all..
Save your silver dollars till the bank begins to buldge..
Don't divulge your secrets,cause i think they've got a hold..
Said I Am,
I Am,I Am
A Smarter Man
I Am,I Am..


Vocally tough tough tough--- hope it's tolerable!
Lyrics up soon ...[ promise!]
Up And Adam


Great song.  And the vocal was way more than tolerable.

Overdrive - Distortion - Hyperactivity
Yesterdays shatter, tomorrows don't matter


Thank's very much...perspective IS everything....Hard to listen to objectively sometimes.!
Up And Adam


Mr Bud  a super song and well played and super lyrics
powerful vocals. very impressive. if u don't mind I was
hearing some influence from T REX. re THE BANG A GONG
group . but that s a compliments. this song kicks azz
2 thumbs up on this day BUMP !


Thank's very much,,,the mix got a bit busy/distorted [kinda like me at times!]  :] Gotta clean it up.
Up And Adam


Another Hit for me Mr Bud, well done......


Boss BR-800
Boss Micro BR

If I had known i was going to be this thirsty this morning I'd of had another Beer last night...