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I got eyes

Started by thetworegs, May 17, 2015, 02:39:57 AM


i got caught speeding in my car by one of those eyes in the sky and it got me thinking...... about the world we are living in and what its becoming.....or is that become?....then it turned into a protest song......
I got eyes.....

They tell us that were safe in our homes
then they go come knocking down our doors
take away our securities and throw us to the floor

they tell us that were happy
they tell us we don't need
we've never been so well off, then why do I bleed
i can't walk down the street and feel safe
in this world of mine
the man looks at me and see's what he wants to see

it should be free and easy i should be able to be what i want to be
but the world i live in is not free

i got eyes up above me, watching every move i make
i can't afford to slip on this road and make any mistake
the machines is without passion it's gonna judge me bad
and my life
it's ready, to take

the prisons are crowded and their not all guilty men
society is going crazy, big brother who's running the pen
Privacy is vanishing, at an alarming rate
no ones trying to stop it and anyway it's already too late

i got eyes up above me, watching every move that i make
i can't afford to slip on this road and make any mistake
the machine is without passion and it's gonna judge me bad
and my life
it's ready to take

They tell us that were safe in our homes
then they go come knocking down our doors
take away our securities they throw us to the floor
it should be free and easy i should be able to be what i want to be
but this world i live in just ain't free

i got eyes up above me, watching every move i make
i can't afford to slip on this road and make any mistake
the machine is without passion it's gonna judge me bad
and my life
it's ready to take

I got Eyes
Music & Lyrics Reg
If Life is a dream then use your imagination


HI Reg . going through some older posts today . I always look
for posts that have very few comments. cause I feel these surely
are great overlooked songs. and this is one of them another
well done song by u worth the bumP cheers NEIL .!!


Nice one Trev, Good find Neil.......


Boss BR-800
Boss Micro BR

If I had known i was going to be this thirsty this morning I'd of had another Beer last night...


Well performed Trev.
Boss BR-800


Excellent bump - great lyrics. Missed this one first time around.
Boss BR-1600


Great lyrics! Piano and voice match well together on this!
Korg Sound on Sound
Redler & Co   
Boss BR-80
Boss Micro BR


Great bump
Trev you are the man!

Boss BR-800
Boss BR-600

kenny mac

Nice one,this is a great intimate performance.
There's something I really like about listening to a songcrafter performance that's down to the bare bones.
Great performance .