Unity - a Chapperz original

Started by chapperz66, March 27, 2015, 12:13:56 AM


I started this one a couple of months ago and then parked it for a while. I finally got around to finishing it - although not in the way that I originally envisaged.  I had intended to put a bit of lead guitar widdling on it when I decided to put the accordion over the top of the "verse" sections.  This was inspired by a BBC series featuring Reginald D HUnter talking about the music of the Southern States of America - including Cajun music.  I found a patch on my Roland Xa called "Guingette" which I think works surprisingly well with the synths and rocky guitars.

All the other keyboard parts (including the drums) I played and initially recorded in a Roland Fantom G, and then re-recorded them, either as isolated tracks or submixes, into my BR1600 to finally mix and master.

It is a bit strange so I'd love to know what you think.



Listened to this earlier today on my phone, had to wait till now before commenting as my blackberry keyboard isn't working well at the moment :-(

This track is great, and super inventive. Loved the chords and the style of this, reminded me of mad gypsy music with a dance beat with a bit of metal for good measure and the accordion really works well. Super good Paul, off for another listen. :-) Great tune Paul, really, really good.

NB Freak Kitchen did a song with a similar feel and style (Mr Kashchei and the 13 prostitutes). Its mainly the scale and chords that trigger this connect for me, and the dramatic nature of the composition. No accordion though
Its one of their more crazy tunes, and they are pretty crazy to start with. And I love this tune.


Boss BR-1600

Tangled Wires

Loved it right from the brilliant opening speedy acoustic guitar arpeggio's

The uptempo sections are pulsating, both heavy and melodic, and the intensity of these are counteracted perfectly by the mellow parts and all in all it is expertly put together with everything falling into place perfectly and a seamless flow throughout.

Can hear large prog leanings throughout and the accordion, which blends in beautifully, adds an almost folky element to create a really unique sound.

Really impressive, a very enjoyable listen, and seemed to last a longer than three and a half minutes!

Boss Micro BR

Farrell Jackson

Excellent Paul! I think you have created a new genre....Cajun prog metal. The accordion sound gives it that Cajun vibe...a great idea!

Tascam DP-32
Fostex VF-160

Farrell Jackson

Rayon Vert

Test, test, one, two, three.....is this mic on?


Oh this is just fabulous !!!!

WOW !!!!!!!!!!!!

I'm blown away !!

Musicianship at it's best !!

An amazing journey you take us on here. The music is so "visual" .... WOW !

You're a genius !!!
Boss BR-80
Boss BR-800
iPad GarageBand

Oh well ........


I'm really pleased that you like it.  I was concerned that it might be a bit too weird!  My wife heard me mixing it last night and said "What's all that about?"  A good question, and not one that I could easily answer.

I must admit that in my ignorance I assumed that a guinguette was the name of an instrument - a particular type of accordion perhaps.  I thought that I had better check it out before posting it because the well-informed Songcrafters people would be sure to know.  So I googled it and discovered that it is a type of French suburban bistro.  Which I'm sure you all knew.  

Apologies to the French speaking Songcrafters present!   :)



Quote from: Geir on March 27, 2015, 07:31:08 AMOh this is just fabulous !!!!

WOW !!!!!!!!!!!!

I'm blown away !!

Musicianship at it's best !!

An amazing journey you take us on here. The music is so "visual" .... WOW !

You're a genius !!!

As am I blown away too! I can listen to this all day! PIEPOD!  I love it!!
Boss BR-80


This is brilliant, prog at its best. Great musicianship,arrangement and composition.

I love it.
Boss BR-800


Prog-polka...doesn't look good on paper but wow. Really inventive chord progressions in there. I'm particularly fond of the pastoral section at 1:45 although the transitions are a bit jarring. Of course, I'm a sucker for the stuttering at 3:05 or so as well.

Flipping great production.



Aww this is just wonderful. I love how it combines all these different vibes. It's another one where I can hear Ian Anderson singing over it (this time the latter day Ian Anderson).
PreSonus Studio One

(Studio 68c 6x6)
   All that I need
Is just a piece of paper
To say a few lines
Make up my mind
So she can read it later
When I'm gone

- BRM Gibb
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