Who has a BR900CD?

Started by Kody, April 05, 2009, 06:28:50 PM


Thanks for the advice SteveB,  I eventually went for it and got the BR-1200. Lovely machine, I am very satisfied with my choice.  Thanks for taking tie time to respond.

Alternate Tunings: CAUTION: your fingers have to be in different places
Boss Micro BR
Boss BR-80
Boss BR-1200
iPad GarageBand


I have the 900cd.  Love it!  The only thing I could wish for is midi in;  there is a midi out but I can't help but feel that this IS a recorder and its primary function is to record incoming signals.
It's not like I would use it at a gig to trigger my drum machine.
Unless... it just occurred to me, could I trigger the drum machine, and have the drum machine output (audio out) run back into the 900cd to record the signal? Or would this be creating some kind of impossible loop?
Any ideas?


Another 900CD user here,  love it for the most part.

Gripe 1 is the measly 1gb max on the card, got a Zoom H4 and i can use 4gb cards in that.

Often have problems with the internal mic its so damn sensitive to external conditions, sometimes I can switch it on and its fine other occasions and Bzzzzzzz! with the level meters maxing out.

Dont much like the built in arrangements for the drums and Im pretty poor at creating my own.  I now sacrifice two tracks and import a stereo audio file of a drum arrangements created with Jamstix VSTi, its a virtual drummer that creates it own parts, brilliant bit of kit. If you hate programming drum parts you ought to check it out at http://www.rayzoon.com/.


IFR - Welcome to the Forum of your dreams! It's nice to have another Bod in the 900-club. By the way, I've only been here for 3 weeks, but it's Home already.
Have you invested in an external mike yet? It's the way to go, and you'll need one eventually. There's been a debate, even in the length of time that I've been here about the drum machines on the various BR models, I've had the 864, the 900, and the 1200, and ALL the drum machines have subtle differences. Of the 3, I'd choose the one from the 900 any day, but that's a minor quibble. Hope you enjoy your stay, and you get around to posting some work.  ;)
Boss BR-1200
Cakewalk SONAR



Quote from: guitaroscar on July 09, 2009, 04:36:48 PMI have the 900cd.  Love it!  The only thing I could wish for is midi in;  there is a midi out but I can't help but feel that this IS a recorder and its primary function is to record incoming signals.

Midi isn't a signal that you would record because it isn't an audio signal at all. It's more like a computer language. It consists of instructions that tell other midi devices what to do. If the BR-900 had Midi In, you could use it to synchronize two BRs or to connect a midi controller such as drum pads or a foot controller. But you couldn't record via the Midi In connector.

Quotecould I trigger the drum machine, and have the drum machine output (audio out) run back into the 900cd to record the signal?

Yes. Connect the Line Out from the drum machine to the BR-900's Line In, then set Audio Sub Mix to ON (see page 190 of the BR-900CD manual, 6th edition). You wouldn't actually need to record the drums to a pair of tracks because they'd be part of the overall mix and would be included in your final bounce. Midi would synchronize the drum machine to the BR so that the external drum machine would behave the same as the BR's internal drum machine, starting and stopping when you press Play or Stop on the BR, and resetting to the start of the arrangement when you press Zero.

Zoom R20
Boss BR-864
Bitwig 8-Track
     My Boss BR website

"When one person suffers from a delusion it is called insanity. When many people suffer from a delusion it is called religion." - Robert M. Pirsig


Hi Steve

Yes I picked up a condensor mic a while ago, it was a revelation when compared to the dynamic mic I was using.  It captures every nuance of the tuneless droning I call singing.



Quote from: IanForster on July 10, 2009, 08:28:19 AMHi Steve

Yes I picked up a condensor mic a while ago, it was a revelation when compared to the dynamic mic I was using.  It captures every nuance of the tuneless droning I call singing.


IFR - Hello again. Go to the BR900 thread in the MP3 section, and listen to My Home Town - my one vocal attempt upto now. If your singing's worse than that, then you've got problems. On the other hand, If I can summon the courage to upload myself, then I'm sure you can. And hey, I've had nothing but positive feedback from the people on here, and when you've heard some of the offerings that these people put out, well, you'll wonder what was life like before you joined!! Good news about the mike - they really do make all the difference.

Boss BR-1200
Cakewalk SONAR



Thankyou!  Big help.  I have an Alesis SR18, has much better drums than the BR (more flexible anyway).
Will be out buying a midi cable today.

Hi. I buy soon br 900 or 600. I can buy 900 for really great price. So i got question.
What about the built-in mic in 900? There is only one, where in 600 are two. Everybody says that this pair of condenser mics are really good.
What with the mono (I dont know what type is it) mic in 900?
Can someone post any sample using this microphone?

Sorry for my English, I'm write from Poland. :>

Hi I have just bought a BR900CD. Worked fine for about 10 hours and then suddenly developed a bad feedback when trying to record. This is the same if using the external or internal mic. The whole unit seems live and the tone of the feedback changes depending on how you hold the machine. Any ideas please? Have contacted the vendor but he suggests I look here.