"Your Spell" Original Jazz Ballad

Started by Johnbee, January 10, 2015, 02:49:02 PM


Your Spell 192
Hi all!

I know it's been awhile but 2014 was a busy year for me.  Gonna try to put more time in here this year.
I switched recently from my old Samplitude Music Studio, mainly because it crashed mysteriously on my DAW so I went with Sonar X3 (Studio version).  I also discovered Toontrack's EZ Keys.  It's not only a great sounding piano model but has some great songwriter tools.  It helped me compose and perform this original Jazz ballad I call "Your Spell".  I hope you enjoy it.

Love to all!
John B. ;)


Boss BR-800
Boss Micro BR

If I had known i was going to be this thirsty this morning I'd of had another Beer last night...



Really nice tune brother, well composed and executed, Nice to hear something from you again.
Rock On!

Boss BR-80
Boss BR-800
Because the Hook brings you back
I ain't tellin' you no lie
The hook brings you back
On that you can rely


HI John and welcome back . I know what u mean about that software crashing
I have the same but since have gone to cakewalk also .great song here and
marvelous vocals glad to have u back again this year. nice production also .
keep singing and sharing cheers NEIL. P....2 THUMNS UP HATS OFF.! NEIL!


Groundy, Hook & Swan Song-Thank you very much!

 :) ;)


Lovely gentle ballad John, excellent keyboard work and a really nice sound. I like the combination of  low and falsetto vocals as well.

I do have to take you to task about moving away from Samplitude though, I still use that based on your recommendation. How dare you switch to something else! I've now started using the standalone version of Izotope Ozone for mastering though.


Very nice jazzy piece, John! Really good composition with a lots feel! I found some cinematic elements...

Enjoyable and relaxing listening!
Korg Sound on Sound
Redler & Co   
Boss BR-80
Boss Micro BR


Ferryman & Redler, Thanks so much!  ;)

@Ferryman-I kinda thought you would comment on the Samplitude thing.  Truth is back last Spring I bought the upgrade for SMS and I did a few tunes on it. (If You're Not The One, So Very Right, The Only Right Thing) They were done in SMS 2013, but late in the last project I ran into difficulty with the program.  For some unknown (and yet unresolved) reason SMS crashed and burned.  I could still record audio but not MIDI, which I use a lot of.  I was in love with Samplitude when it was version 14 (Not 2014, but 14 which was released in 2008) and ran it on my old Dell Windows XP desktop PC.   Last year I bought a new Core i3 running Windows 8.1 and Samplitude 2013 and I thought "All the latest hardware and software!  I'm all set!!"  Fact is, I never had the problems with the old XP SMS 14 when I gave you that recommendation.  I got tired of fighting with this new combination so I went the Sonar route, which I'm still having problems with, just different problems.  I've come to the conclusion that with PC recording, where you're dealing with a host program and 3rd party plug ins and different processors, it's a crap shoot to see how well the combinations will work together, if at all.  That's where I envy guys like most on this forum who use ONE machine to do everything.  At least you know what to expect and you know what will work and what won't from the get-go.

Thanks again!

 :) ;) John B.


Boss BR-800
