Fire Up My Imagination by The Scolars (Geoff,jg./Kari) violin by Bruno

Started by Redler, November 24, 2014, 08:03:50 AM

kenny mac

This is totally different from things I've heard on here recently and it sounds so fresh.
I love the violin on it.
I bought a violin once as I always wanted yo learn it but was disappointed in my results lol.
I'm convinced I bought a set up that was too cheap and didn't lend itself to real learning but it might have been I was just crap at it ;D
This song is a nice flowing easy listening song that creates a smooth vibe.
It's relaxing
Well done to all.


Thanks for the great comments. Kari produced a great track to work with, but it was difficult to get the right lyrics to go with it, so kept it simple in the end. Bruno's violin additions were an inspired part to add and filled that little gaps - nice bit of playing as well. The overall mix of the whole track was very professionally completed by Kari.
This has "fired up my imagination" and I have now picked up the guitar again after a long break due to health issues. I will have to get a few tracks completed and start listening in again to the excellent music produced by you guys. Been missing this Forum.
Geoff (j.g.)


Enjoyed that a lot, something slightly uneasy about the chord structure creating a great tension, enjoyed the lyrics on this one too.
iPad GarageBand


Thanks to all for the nice comments! I'm very glad that Geoff is back :)

Quote from: Geir on November 25, 2014, 05:14:34 PMWhat did you use for the drums Kari?

The drums are from Jazz pattern of BR-80. There's not much options for jazzy drumming on BRs :(
Korg Sound on Sound
Redler & Co   
Boss BR-80
Boss Micro BR

T.C. Elliott

I like the drums, but yeah, not much to choose from there. More than some, though.
A good collaboration all around, but those violins take it over the top. Deffo.
Boss BR-900
Dead Ambassadors Bandcamp Page

T.C. Elliott Bandcamp Page

"You can't wait for inspiration. You have to go after it with a club." — Jack London


This was absolutely fantastic. I have to ask how the violin was treated. Is it straight, split, or do I detect some chorusing? I ask because you copped the Jean-Luc Ponty 70's tone. Wonderful!



Quote from: Blooby on November 29, 2014, 05:45:03 AMThis was absolutely fantastic. I have to ask how the violin was treated. Is it straight, split, or do I detect some chorusing? I ask because you copped the Jean-Luc Ponty 70's tone. Wonderful!


Thanks all for the comments - appreciated.

Blooby - now you're asking, not sure I can remember  ;D ;D ;D .... it all went horribly wrong - I recorded it with bouncing switch on - so it had the base track - so I had to throw it all and restart. Recorded with the Kemper providing reverb and possibly some compression. I recorded a couple of tracks 1 stereo and 1 mono, which may explain the chorus sound, but I don't think that I added any on as an effect.

Boss BR-1600


If that was double-tracked, my hat is off to you. I can't even remember what I had for breakfast much less the nuances of a performance.


Korg Sound on Sound
Redler & Co   
Boss BR-80
Boss Micro BR
